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How much does it cost: Gigabyte traffic in Africa

Pricing in the field of Internet providers continues to change, including under the influence of IaaS-providers, which allow you to create new business models.

Innovative services like Netflix form new categories of information products and services, setting a completely different level of consumption in terms of data volumes.

Today we decided to analyze the article by Marshall Brain (Marshall Brain), the author of the project HowStuff Works. He gave an example of the most expensive Internet connection in the world.
/ Flickr / Robert / CC

This is what providers in the African market offer. They work with fiber, the length of which is several thousand kilometers.

Notes on this channel went even on Discovery.com . It provides access to the Network the most technologically backward areas of the continent.

Marshall proposes to grab onto those figures that are given in the article, and try to make a couple of assumptions based on them. It takes as a basis the total cost of a cable of 650 million dollars (for simplicity, it rounds this amount to a billion), its capacity is 5120 gigabits per second and the length is 14 thousand kilometers.

In addition to spending here it is worth considering the expected return on investment. Marshall admits it in the amount of 3 billion dollars and offers to estimate how much a gigabyte of traffic can cost.

It turns out that the cost of traffic can be from 2 to 3 cents per gigabyte, which will be very cheap, but all these calculations assume a constant load on the channel.

If we take the 2-hour film as an example, it will require 1.8 GB of traffic, if it is in HD, then we can talk about 3 GB. Marshall complicates his example by the fact that he sets several users of a dedicated line, each of whom needs 10Mb / s for 3-4 hours per day.

For calculation, it assumes an audience size of 500 thousand people and 10 years as the time of return on investment. In this case, it is about 50 dollars per month per person. This is the maximum or the most deplorable scenario in which it will be the most expensive traffic in the world. At 1 gigabyte will need to spend more than 8 cents.

Marshall emphasizes the importance of efficient use of not only natural resources, but also technological, which are somehow connected with the world around us and its well-being. Here it is worthwhile to start a conversation that, even during off-peak hours, access to the network can even be made free in order to offload daytime.

Such an approach could make it possible to use IT infrastructure resources more rationally and make it possible to preload necessary content at night.

PS A little about the work of our IaaS provider:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274735/

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