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Gospel Information Architecture Site

The purpose of this article is to create a reason for discussion and the formation of a generally accepted guide based on the results of disputes for the design of a site information architecture scheme or another information system.

In the current situation, it is not possible to systematically work with this kind of source material, since it is beautiful to present such a variegated set of approaches to design to the Customer that forbids us the designer’s internal moral code.

In the future, we all need the ability to use information architecture schemes not only as initial presentations, but also as a final description of the case placed in a portfolio on third-party resources, so that the requirements for image quality are created with a future basis and imply adaptability to different tasks and style .

The persistent beliefs and all sorts of particularly compelling arguments that such a scheme in the TK must necessarily be preceded by a detailed analysis and optimization of the customer's business processes; As well, listing the rules for their decomposition into IDEF0, UML, or whatever is beyond the scope of this essay. Simply put, if your product, designer and designer are engaged only in the fact that they are verbatim in writing and visually endless edits from the customer, without having the slightest opportunity to influence the logic and concept of the project itself (and business), they will soon be prepared another article "Free cash or why you left McDonald’s for nothing".


For all the other two and a half people who, in their daily work, have a real, rather than ephemeral, opportunity to influence the formation of the logic and principles of interaction of the system with the user and the owner, we continue:

Declaration of intent

After it was no longer possible to tolerate the careless attitude of some of the performers of the Technical Assignments to the design and design of the so-called schemes with a list of pages and sections, it was decided to make a clear and understandable guide to drawing information system information system diagrams.

As you understand, such schemes of the internal logic of the project are needed not just for internal analytics, they are viewed by the customer. And the customer also claims the correctness and correctness of logic, the clarity of the concept and the perfect selection of colors.

This article should set a precedent for creating a unified guideline, in order to bring scattered daubing to a single common denominator.

The unified format will make it possible to use intelligently designed information architecture schemes for creating any sites, including government ones, and also simplify the process of migration to new versions of sites.


To comply with all these conditions - strict rules will be introduced:

It is also proposed today, on a voluntary basis, to connect to our development team of an application for iPhones for fast and high-quality drawing of any information architecture schemes for typical sites and mobile applications.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274717/

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