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There will be a garden city

The urbanshhep LJ user has burst into a keynote speech about the state of the current IT industry, its growth, regional progress and the lack of skilled workers for this industry as the main thesis.

You can read here .

I warn you, the text is great, but interesting, find 15 minutes of free time.
And I just quote important, from my point of view, moments.
About markets, communities and padawans
The market is no longer so much growing as it is bursting with an increasing number of users from within, and outside it is being pulled by money being thrown in: the surviving companies have become profitable, mastering all sorts of exciting business. Most of it is from the People Havat series (acquaintances, sms-mamba, yellow press and games), the rest is honest advertising and the development of new projects. A special genre takes place under the name "the development of investment budgets."

Somewhere nearby in the economic system of the Internet free communities live, independent and entering the economy more as a “medium for communication”. It is there that the expression “unleashed users” is found, to which friends and colleagues gradually explained that it is possible not only to read what a flock of journalists is writing, and not only to silently admire the works of designers, but to do the same thing themselves - to write, draw, sew, compose music. And people begin to not only consume, but also produce - because they just like it. However, this is a “society” that does not turn into a business in any way. The shadow side of the economy.

Business at this time to serve the growing consumer market lacks either hands or heads - those who can go to new companies or create their own. Those who are just learning have not yet had time to understand how the Internet works, and what business models should be in the conditions of simultaneous growth of the market, change of cultural generations both among users and among hired staff. There is no one to teach - teachers of journalism and marketing gurus lecture at random. Everything is changing at all.

About prospects. Young man pondering life
The most promising for a young specialist today is hiring a job as a manager or an assistant manager for a small project in one of the growing companies, developing there for a year and a half, gaining experience, then using this experience in his start-ups - which have very good chances the hungry market, where dinosaurs offer almost the same thing, and the “middle class website” does not exist.

Who exactly is needed? Looking for live and mobile, who heard about Netskape Communicator only from the Pope or accidentally saw him in the records of the history of the Internet. Those who are much more interested in Craigslist, eBay and Amazon empires. These are marketers who are not observing Pavlovsky and Parker, but how the three buttons of the runet turn into four, and, in the future, they will change in composition when Google moves in between, and the “service” and “media” buttons will walk in pairs. These are people who are well aware of the merits of the multi-million mass and the advantages of tiny niche solutions, with the very “long tail”.

And once again the link to the whole post is urbansheep.livejournal.com/1573421.html

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2747/

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