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Overview of the example application of reinforcement learning using TensorFlow

KPDV.  In the Karpathy game plays a neural network

I think many have heard of Google DeepMind . How they teach programs to play Atari games is better than humans. Today I want to present you an article on how to do something similar. This article is a review of the idea and code of an example of the use of Q-learning , which is a special case of reinforcement learning. The example is based on a Google DeepMind staff article .

A game

The example covers the game Karpathy game. She is depicted on CPDV. Its essence is as follows: it is necessary to control the yellow ball in such a way that "there is" green balls and not eat red and orange. For orange is given a greater penalty than for the red. The yellow ball has radially divergent segments responsible for vision (in the program they are called the eye). With the help of such a segment, the program feels the type of the nearest object in the direction of the segment, its speed and deletion. The type of object can be a ball color or a wall. A set of input data is obtained as follows: data from each eye and its own speed. The output is the yellow ball control commands. In essence, these are accelerations in four directions: up, left, down, right.


Multilayer perceptron.  Wikipedia image

This game is played by a multilayer perceptron . At the entrance it has the above input data. The output is the utility of each of the possible actions. Perceptron is trained by the method of back propagation of error. Specifically, the RMSProp method is used. Its peculiarity is that it uses a pack of examples for optimization at once, but this is not its only feature. To learn more about the method can see these slides . They talk not only about RMSProp. I have not found anything better yet. The error output of the neural network is calculated using the very Q-learning .


Almost all of this can be more or less easily coded without delving into writing your own implementations of algorithms, thanks to the recently released TensorFlow library . Programming using this library is reduced to describing the graph of calculations required to obtain the result. Then this graph is sent to the TensorFlow session, where the calculations themselves are performed. RMSProp is taken entirely from TensorFlow. The neural network is implemented on the matrices from there. Q-learning is also implemented in conventional TensorFlow operations.


Now let's look at the most interesting places in the example code.

models.py - multilayer perceptron
import math import tensorflow as tf from .utils import base_name #      MLP #    class Layer(object): # input_sizes -   ,     MLP  # output_size -   # scope - ,   TensorFlow     #    ( https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/master/how_tos/variable_scope/index.html) def __init__(self, input_sizes, output_size, scope): """Cretes a neural network layer.""" if type(input_sizes) != list: input_sizes = [input_sizes] self.input_sizes = input_sizes self.output_size = output_size self.scope = scope or "Layer" #    with tf.variable_scope(self.scope): #   self.Ws = [] for input_idx, input_size in enumerate(input_sizes): #   W_name = "W_%d" % (input_idx,) #    -   W_initializer = tf.random_uniform_initializer( -1.0 / math.sqrt(input_size), 1.0 / math.sqrt(input_size)) #   -   input_size x output_size W_var = tf.get_variable(W_name, (input_size, output_size), initializer=W_initializer) self.Ws.append(W_var) #      #         self.b = tf.get_variable("b", (output_size,), initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0)) #    # xs -    #     def __call__(self, xs): if type(xs) != list: xs = [xs] assert len(xs) == len(self.Ws), \ "Expected %d input vectors, got %d" % (len(self.Ws), len(xs)) with tf.variable_scope(self.scope): #    #     -  #     -   #  -    +    return sum([tf.matmul(x, W) for x, W in zip(xs, self.Ws)]) + self.b #     #         def variables(self): return [self.b] + self.Ws def copy(self, scope=None): scope = scope or self.scope + "_copy" with tf.variable_scope(scope) as sc: for v in self.variables(): tf.get_variable(base_name(v), v.get_shape(), initializer=lambda x,dtype=tf.float32: v.initialized_value()) sc.reuse_variables() return Layer(self.input_sizes, self.output_size, scope=sc) #   class MLP(object): # input_sizes -    ,   , #       , #         , #      ,      # hiddens -    ,   #  2    100  #    - 4 ,  ,    #   ,      # nonlinearities -     ,     <a href="https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D1%81%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD"> </a> # scope - ,   TensorFlow     #    # given_layers -      def __init__(self, input_sizes, hiddens, nonlinearities, scope=None, given_layers=None): self.input_sizes = input_sizes self.hiddens = hiddens self.input_nonlinearity, self.layer_nonlinearities = nonlinearities[0], nonlinearities[1:] self.scope = scope or "MLP" assert len(hiddens) == len(nonlinearities), \ "Number of hiddens must be equal to number of nonlinearities" with tf.variable_scope(self.scope): if given_layers is not None: #    self.input_layer = given_layers[0] self.layers = given_layers[1:] else: #   #    self.input_layer = Layer(input_sizes, hiddens[0], scope="input_layer") self.layers = [] #    for l_idx, (h_from, h_to) in enumerate(zip(hiddens[:-1], hiddens[1:])): self.layers.append(Layer(h_from, h_to, scope="hidden_layer_%d" % (l_idx,))) #   # xs -    #     def __call__(self, xs): if type(xs) != list: xs = [xs] with tf.variable_scope(self.scope): #        hidden = self.input_nonlinearity(self.input_layer(xs)) for layer, nonlinearity in zip(self.layers, self.layer_nonlinearities): #        hidden = nonlinearity(layer(hidden)) return hidden #           def variables(self): res = self.input_layer.variables() for layer in self.layers: res.extend(layer.variables()) return res def copy(self, scope=None): scope = scope or self.scope + "_copy" nonlinearities = [self.input_nonlinearity] + self.layer_nonlinearities given_layers = [self.input_layer.copy()] + [layer.copy() for layer in self.layers] return MLP(self.input_sizes, self.hiddens, nonlinearities, scope=scope, given_layers=given_layers) 

discrete_deepq.py - Q-learning implementation
 import numpy as np import random import tensorflow as tf from collections import deque class DiscreteDeepQ(object): #    def __init__(self, observation_size, num_actions, observation_to_actions, optimizer, session, random_action_probability=0.05, exploration_period=1000, store_every_nth=5, train_every_nth=5, minibatch_size=32, discount_rate=0.95, max_experience=30000, target_network_update_rate=0.01, summary_writer=None): #        """Initialized the Deepq object. Based on: https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~vmnih/docs/dqn.pdf Parameters ------- observation_size : int length of the vector passed as observation num_actions : int number of actions that the model can execute observation_to_actions: dali model model that implements activate function that can take in observation vector or a batch and returns scores (of unbounded values) for each action for each observation. input shape: [batch_size, observation_size] output shape: [batch_size, num_actions] optimizer: tf.solver.* optimizer for prediction error session: tf.Session session on which to execute the computation random_action_probability: float (0 to 1) exploration_period: int probability of choosing a random action (epsilon form paper) annealed linearly from 1 to random_action_probability over exploration_period store_every_nth: int to further decorrelate samples do not all transitions, but rather every nth transition. For example if store_every_nth is 5, then only 20% of all the transitions is stored. train_every_nth: int normally training_step is invoked every time action is executed. Depending on the setup that might be too often. When this variable is set set to n, then only every n-th time training_step is called will the training procedure actually be executed. minibatch_size: int number of state,action,reward,newstate tuples considered during experience reply dicount_rate: float (0 to 1) how much we care about future rewards. max_experience: int maximum size of the reply buffer target_network_update_rate: float how much to update target network after each iteration. Let's call target_network_update_rate alpha, target network T, and network N. Every time N gets updated we execute: T = (1-alpha)*T + alpha*N summary_writer: tf.train.SummaryWriter writer to log metrics """ """ Deepq  : https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~vmnih/docs/dqn.pdf  ------- observation_size : int     (      ) num_actions : int           observation_to_actions: dali model  (   ),                       :  [batch_size, observation_size]  :  [batch_size, num_actions] optimizer: tf.solver.*           RMSProp session: tf.Session  TensorFlow      random_action_probability: float (0 to 1)   ,              ,      exploration_period: int     ,          1  random_action_probability store_every_nth: int              .            train_every_nth: int  training_step ( )    .   ,    .             minibatch_size: int            RMSProp.      ,  ,     dicount_rate: float (0 to 1)  Q-learning          max_experience: int      target_network_update_rate: float    ,   2  T - target_q_network         N - q_network     ,         .  T       N.     N,    : alpha = target_network_update_rate T = (1-alpha)*T + alpha*N summary_writer: tf.train.SummaryWriter   """ # memorize arguments self.observation_size = observation_size self.num_actions = num_actions self.q_network = observation_to_actions self.optimizer = optimizer self.s = session self.random_action_probability = random_action_probability self.exploration_period = exploration_period self.store_every_nth = store_every_nth self.train_every_nth = train_every_nth self.minibatch_size = minibatch_size self.discount_rate = tf.constant(discount_rate) self.max_experience = max_experience self.target_network_update_rate = \ tf.constant(target_network_update_rate) # deepq state self.actions_executed_so_far = 0 self.experience = deque() self.iteration = 0 self.summary_writer = summary_writer self.number_of_times_store_called = 0 self.number_of_times_train_called = 0 self.create_variables() #     #      # ( ) def linear_annealing(self, n, total, p_initial, p_final): """Linear annealing between p_initial and p_final over total steps - computes value at step n""" if n >= total: return p_final else: return p_initial - (n * (p_initial - p_final)) / (total) #   TensorFlow  #     #   Q-learning def create_variables(self): #   T     N self.target_q_network = self.q_network.copy(scope="target_network") #    # FOR REGULAR ACTION SCORE COMPUTATION with tf.name_scope("taking_action"): #     self.observation = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, self.observation_size), name="observation") #       self.action_scores = tf.identity(self.q_network(self.observation), name="action_scores") tf.histogram_summary("action_scores", self.action_scores) #       self.predicted_actions = tf.argmax(self.action_scores, dimension=1, name="predicted_actions") #    with tf.name_scope("estimating_future_rewards"): # FOR PREDICTING TARGET FUTURE REWARDS #   -   self.next_observation = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, self.observation_size), name="next_observation") #   -    self.next_observation_mask = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None,), name="next_observation_mask") #   self.next_action_scores = tf.stop_gradient(self.target_q_network(self.next_observation)) tf.histogram_summary("target_action_scores", self.next_action_scores) #   -  self.rewards = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None,), name="rewards") #      target_values = tf.reduce_max(self.next_action_scores, reduction_indices=[1,]) * self.next_observation_mask # r + DF * MAX(Q,s)    Q-learning   self.future_rewards = self.rewards + self.discount_rate * target_values #   N with tf.name_scope("q_value_precition"): # FOR PREDICTION ERROR #         self.action_mask = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, self.num_actions), name="action_mask") #       self.masked_action_scores = tf.reduce_sum(self.action_scores * self.action_mask, reduction_indices=[1,]) #      # - (r + DF * MAX(Q,s) — Q[s',a']) temp_diff = self.masked_action_scores - self.future_rewards #     # RMSProp      self.prediction_error = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(temp_diff)) #  RMSProp,   -   gradients = self.optimizer.compute_gradients(self.prediction_error) for i, (grad, var) in enumerate(gradients): if grad is not None: gradients[i] = (tf.clip_by_norm(grad, 5), var) # Add histograms for gradients. for grad, var in gradients: tf.histogram_summary(var.name, var) if grad: tf.histogram_summary(var.name + '/gradients', grad) #   -    self.train_op = self.optimizer.apply_gradients(gradients) #       T # T = (1-alpha)*T + alpha*N # UPDATE TARGET NETWORK with tf.name_scope("target_network_update"): self.target_network_update = [] for v_source, v_target in zip(self.q_network.variables(), self.target_q_network.variables()): # this is equivalent to target = (1-alpha) * target + alpha * source update_op = v_target.assign_sub(self.target_network_update_rate * (v_target - v_source)) self.target_network_update.append(update_op) self.target_network_update = tf.group(*self.target_network_update) # summaries tf.scalar_summary("prediction_error", self.prediction_error) self.summarize = tf.merge_all_summaries() self.no_op1 = tf.no_op() #  def action(self, observation): """Given observation returns the action that should be chosen using DeepQ learning strategy. Does not backprop.""" assert len(observation.shape) == 1, \ "Action is performed based on single observation." self.actions_executed_so_far += 1 #     exploration_p = self.linear_annealing(self.actions_executed_so_far, self.exploration_period, 1.0, self.random_action_probability) if random.random() < exploration_p: #   return random.randint(0, self.num_actions - 1) else: #    return self.s.run(self.predicted_actions, {self.observation: observation[np.newaxis,:]})[0] #    #       #    def store(self, observation, action, reward, newobservation): """Store experience, where starting with observation and execution action, we arrived at the newobservation and got thetarget_network_update reward reward If newstate is None, the state/action pair is assumed to be terminal """ if self.number_of_times_store_called % self.store_every_nth == 0: self.experience.append((observation, action, reward, newobservation)) if len(self.experience) > self.max_experience: self.experience.popleft() self.number_of_times_store_called += 1 #   def training_step(self): """Pick a self.minibatch_size exeperiences from reply buffer and backpropage the value function. """ if self.number_of_times_train_called % self.train_every_nth == 0: if len(self.experience) < self.minibatch_size: return #       #   minibatch_size   # sample experience. samples = random.sample(range(len(self.experience)), self.minibatch_size) samples = [self.experience[i] for i in samples] #    #    # bach states states = np.empty((len(samples), self.observation_size)) newstates = np.empty((len(samples), self.observation_size)) action_mask = np.zeros((len(samples), self.num_actions)) newstates_mask = np.empty((len(samples),)) rewards = np.empty((len(samples),)) for i, (state, action, reward, newstate) in enumerate(samples): states[i] = state action_mask[i] = 0 action_mask[i][action] = 1 rewards[i] = reward if newstate is not None: newstates[i] = newstate newstates_mask[i] = 1 else: newstates[i] = 0 newstates_mask[i] = 0 calculate_summaries = self.iteration % 100 == 0 and \ self.summary_writer is not None #   #     #     #    (  #     ) cost, _, summary_str = self.s.run([ self.prediction_error, self.train_op, self.summarize if calculate_summaries else self.no_op1, ], { self.observation: states, self.next_observation: newstates, self.next_observation_mask: newstates_mask, self.action_mask: action_mask, self.rewards: rewards, }) #    self.s.run(self.target_network_update) if calculate_summaries: self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, self.iteration) self.iteration += 1 self.number_of_times_train_called += 1 

karpathy_game.py is a game played by a neural network
 import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import random import time from collections import defaultdict from euclid import Circle, Point2, Vector2, LineSegment2 import tf_rl.utils.svg as svg #   #     #     #     class GameObject(object): def __init__(self, position, speed, obj_type, settings): """Esentially represents circles of different kinds, which have position and speed.""" self.settings = settings self.radius = self.settings["object_radius"] self.obj_type = obj_type self.position = position self.speed = speed self.bounciness = 1.0 def wall_collisions(self): """Update speed upon collision with the wall.""" world_size = self.settings["world_size"] for dim in range(2): if self.position[dim] - self.radius <= 0 and self.speed[dim] < 0: self.speed[dim] = - self.speed[dim] * self.bounciness elif self.position[dim] + self.radius + 1 >= world_size[dim] and self.speed[dim] > 0: self.speed[dim] = - self.speed[dim] * self.bounciness def move(self, dt): """Move as if dt seconds passed""" self.position += dt * self.speed self.position = Point2(*self.position) def step(self, dt): """Move and bounce of walls.""" self.wall_collisions() self.move(dt) def as_circle(self): return Circle(self.position, float(self.radius)) def draw(self): """Return svg object for this item.""" color = self.settings["colors"][self.obj_type] return svg.Circle(self.position + Point2(10, 10), self.radius, color=color) # .     # ,    , #    ,   # .      # ,   ^  ,   , #  ,    # observe,      #      class KarpathyGame(object): def __init__(self, settings): """Initiallize game simulator with settings""" self.settings = settings self.size = self.settings["world_size"] self.walls = [LineSegment2(Point2(0,0), Point2(0,self.size[1])), LineSegment2(Point2(0,self.size[1]), Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1])), LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], self.size[1]), Point2(self.size[0], 0)), LineSegment2(Point2(self.size[0], 0), Point2(0,0))] self.hero = GameObject(Point2(*self.settings["hero_initial_position"]), Vector2(*self.settings["hero_initial_speed"]), "hero", self.settings) if not self.settings["hero_bounces_off_walls"]: self.hero.bounciness = 0.0 self.objects = [] for obj_type, number in settings["num_objects"].items(): for _ in range(number): self.spawn_object(obj_type) self.observation_lines = self.generate_observation_lines() self.object_reward = 0 self.collected_rewards = [] #        #        # every observation_line sees one of objects or wall and # two numbers representing speed of the object (if applicable) self.eye_observation_size = len(self.settings["objects"]) + 3 # ,  ,    #   -    # additionally there are two numbers representing agents own speed. self.observation_size = self.eye_observation_size * len(self.observation_lines) + 2 self.last_observation = np.zeros(self.observation_size) self.directions = [Vector2(*d) for d in [[1,0], [0,1], [-1,0],[0,-1]]] self.num_actions = len(self.directions) self.objects_eaten = defaultdict(lambda: 0) def perform_action(self, action_id): """Change speed to one of hero vectors""" assert 0 <= action_id < self.num_actions self.hero.speed *= 0.8 self.hero.speed += self.directions[action_id] * self.settings["delta_v"] def spawn_object(self, obj_type): """Spawn object of a given type and add it to the objects array""" radius = self.settings["object_radius"] position = np.random.uniform([radius, radius], np.array(self.size) - radius) position = Point2(float(position[0]), float(position[1])) max_speed = np.array(self.settings["maximum_speed"]) speed = np.random.uniform(-max_speed, max_speed).astype(float) speed = Vector2(float(speed[0]), float(speed[1])) self.objects.append(GameObject(position, speed, obj_type, self.settings)) def step(self, dt): """Simulate all the objects for a given ammount of time. Also resolve collisions with the hero""" for obj in self.objects + [self.hero] : obj.step(dt) self.resolve_collisions() def squared_distance(self, p1, p2): return (p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + (p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2 def resolve_collisions(self): """If hero touches, hero eats. Also reward gets updated.""" collision_distance = 2 * self.settings["object_radius"] collision_distance2 = collision_distance ** 2 to_remove = [] for obj in self.objects: if self.squared_distance(self.hero.position, obj.position) < collision_distance2: to_remove.append(obj) for obj in to_remove: self.objects.remove(obj) self.objects_eaten[obj.obj_type] += 1 self.object_reward += self.settings["object_reward"][obj.obj_type] self.spawn_object(obj.obj_type) def inside_walls(self, point): """Check if the point is inside the walls""" EPS = 1e-4 return (EPS <= point[0] < self.size[0] - EPS and EPS <= point[1] < self.size[1] - EPS) #    def observe(self): """Return observation vector. For all the observation directions it returns representation of the closest object to the hero - might be nothing, another object or a wall. Representation of observation for all the directions will be concatenated. """ num_obj_types = len(self.settings["objects"]) + 1 # and wall max_speed_x, max_speed_y = self.settings["maximum_speed"] #   observable_distance = self.settings["observation_line_length"] #       relevant_objects = [obj for obj in self.objects if obj.position.distance(self.hero.position) < observable_distance] #     #   # objects sorted from closest to furthest relevant_objects.sort(key=lambda x: x.position.distance(self.hero.position)) observation = np.zeros(self.observation_size) observation_offset = 0 #     for i, observation_line in enumerate(self.observation_lines): # shift to hero position observation_line = LineSegment2(self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p1), self.hero.position + Vector2(*observation_line.p2)) observed_object = None #      # if end of observation line is outside of walls, we see the wall. if not self.inside_walls(observation_line.p2): observed_object = "**wall**" #      for obj in relevant_objects: if observation_line.distance(obj.position) < self.settings["object_radius"]: #   observed_object = obj break #    # ,      object_type_id = None speed_x, speed_y = 0, 0 proximity = 0 if observed_object == "**wall**": # wall seen #   object_type_id = num_obj_types - 1 #      #  ,  , #  ,  ,  #    #   #    # a wall has fairly low speed... # speed_x, speed_y = 0, 0 # I think relative speed is better than absolute speed_x, speed_y = tuple (-self.hero.speed) # best candidate is intersection between # observation_line and a wall, that's # closest to the hero best_candidate = None for wall in self.walls: candidate = observation_line.intersect(wall) if candidate is not None: if (best_candidate is None or best_candidate.distance(self.hero.position) > candidate.distance(self.hero.position)): best_candidate = candidate if best_candidate is None: # assume it is due to rounding errors # and wall is barely touching observation line proximity = observable_distance else: proximity = best_candidate.distance(self.hero.position) elif observed_object is not None: # agent seen #   #   object_type_id = self.settings["objects"].index(observed_object.obj_type) #       #   speed_x, speed_y = tuple(observed_object.speed - self.hero.speed) intersection_segment = obj.as_circle().intersect(observation_line) assert intersection_segment is not None #     try: proximity = min(intersection_segment.p1.distance(self.hero.position), intersection_segment.p2.distance(self.hero.position)) except AttributeError: proximity = observable_distance for object_type_idx_loop in range(num_obj_types): #  1.0      #    observation[observation_offset + object_type_idx_loop] = 1.0 if object_type_id is not None: #         #     0.0  1.0 #      observation[observation_offset + object_type_id] = proximity / observable_distance #    observation[observation_offset + num_obj_types] = speed_x / max_speed_x observation[observation_offset + num_obj_types + 1] = speed_y / max_speed_y assert num_obj_types + 2 == self.eye_observation_size observation_offset += self.eye_observation_size #       #     observation[observation_offset] = self.hero.speed[0] / max_speed_x observation[observation_offset + 1] = self.hero.speed[1] / max_speed_y assert observation_offset + 2 == self.observation_size self.last_observation = observation return observation def distance_to_walls(self): """Returns distance of a hero to walls""" res = float('inf') for wall in self.walls: res = min(res, self.hero.position.distance(wall)) return res - self.settings["object_radius"] def collect_reward(self): """Return accumulated object eating score + current distance to walls score""" wall_reward = self.settings["wall_distance_penalty"] * \ np.exp(-self.distance_to_walls() / self.settings["tolerable_distance_to_wall"]) assert wall_reward < 1e-3, "You are rewarding hero for being close to the wall!" total_reward = wall_reward + self.object_reward self.object_reward = 0 self.collected_rewards.append(total_reward) return total_reward def plot_reward(self, smoothing = 30): """Plot evolution of reward over time.""" plottable = self.collected_rewards[:] while len(plottable) > 1000: for i in range(0, len(plottable) - 1, 2): plottable[i//2] = (plottable[i] + plottable[i+1]) / 2 plottable = plottable[:(len(plottable) // 2)] x = [] for i in range(smoothing, len(plottable)): chunk = plottable[i-smoothing:i] x.append(sum(chunk) / len(chunk)) plt.plot(list(range(len(x))), x) def generate_observation_lines(self): """Generate observation segments in settings["num_observation_lines"] directions""" result = [] start = Point2(0.0, 0.0) end = Point2(self.settings["observation_line_length"], self.settings["observation_line_length"]) for angle in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, self.settings["num_observation_lines"], endpoint=False): rotation = Point2(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)) current_start = Point2(start[0] * rotation[0], start[1] * rotation[1]) current_end = Point2(end[0] * rotation[0], end[1] * rotation[1]) result.append( LineSegment2(current_start, current_end)) return result def _repr_html_(self): return self.to_html() def to_html(self, stats=[]): """Return svg representation of the simulator""" stats = stats[:] recent_reward = self.collected_rewards[-100:] + [0] objects_eaten_str = ', '.join(["%s: %s" % (o,c) for o,c in self.objects_eaten.items()]) stats.extend([ "nearest wall = %.1f" % (self.distance_to_walls(),), "reward = %.1f" % (sum(recent_reward)/len(recent_reward),), "objects eaten => %s" % (objects_eaten_str,), ]) scene = svg.Scene((self.size[0] + 20, self.size[1] + 20 + 20 * len(stats))) scene.add(svg.Rectangle((10, 10), self.size)) num_obj_types = len(self.settings["objects"]) + 1 # and wall observation_offset = 0; for line in self.observation_lines: # getting color of the line linecolor = 'black'; linewidth = '1px'; for object_type_idx_loop in range(num_obj_types): if self.last_observation[observation_offset + object_type_idx_loop] < 1.0: if object_type_idx_loop < num_obj_types - 1: linecolor = self.settings["colors"][self.settings["objects"][object_type_idx_loop]]; linewidth = '3px'; observation_offset += self.eye_observation_size scene.add(svg.Line(line.p1 + self.hero.position + Point2(10,10), line.p2 + self.hero.position + Point2(10,10), color = linecolor, stroke = linecolor, stroke_width = linewidth)) for obj in self.objects + [self.hero] : scene.add(obj.draw()) offset = self.size[1] + 15 for txt in stats: scene.add(svg.Text((10, offset + 20), txt, 15)) offset += 20 return scene 

If you want to see how it all works, you will need IPython Notebook . Since all this is going to put together in a script for him. The script is located at notebooks / karpathy_game.ipynb.


While writing an article, I started training for a few hours. Below is the video: as I finally learned the grid for a fairly short time.

Where to go next

Next, I plan to try to implement this method in my virtual quadcopter . First I want to try to make stabilization. Then, if possible, I will try to make it fly, but there, most likely, you will need a convolution network instead of a multilayer perceptron.

The example is carefully laid out on the githab by the user nivwusquorum , for which I want to express to him a huge human thanks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274597/

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