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Docker compose and merge projects using mixer-a

One of the problems that one has to face when setting up the environment for developers using Docker and Docker-compose is how to bring together several different projects. Provided that all projects, of course, have a docker-compose.yml file.

The reasons why it becomes necessary to do this may be several:




Actually, combining N files into one and launching them as a whole application became the main problem. What became the secondary problems that did not allow us simply to simply merge the existing files one by one?


So, having spent the mind, it’s time to spend a couple of days off and write a simple python preprocessor, which will do all the dirty routine work of merging docker-compose files.
As a result, it turned out a small (for 600 lines of code) script as a whole and completely solving the problems that once arose before me.

However, as a bonus, in addition to the problems indicated above, the script helped to solve another interesting problem. Namely, after small deductions, we managed to launch several instances of the application in parallel with a single docker-compose file.

Examples of using

A few steps to quickly use this solution.


You need to download a binary file that is a python packaged module.
 sudo wget https://github.com/paunin/docker-compose-mixer/blob/master/dist/dc-mixer?raw=true -O /usr/local/bin/dc-mixer sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dc-mixer 


The content of the configuration docker-compose-mixer.yml file is inherently a small config that describes exactly how two or more projects will start together.

Let's say we have 2 projects project A and project B with two docker-compose.yml files.
Projects, being different versions of the system, are an application with a set of services: java-application, redis, rabbitmq, mail , project A (new version) also contains a mysql service.
project A
 $ cat ../proj_a/docker-compose.yml sources: build: images/sources volumes: - .:/var/application.host application: build: images/java dockerfile: application.yml dns: - - hostname: application.host working_dir: /var/application.host cgroup_parent: m-executor-abcd links: - redis:redis - rabbitmq - mail - mysql:db volumes_from: - sources command: "/start.sh" env_file: - ./env_files/application.env - ./env_files/rabbit.env environment: - DB_DRIVER: mysql - DB_PORT: 3306 ports: - "80:80" #http - "1098:1098" #jmx external_links: - redis_1 - project_db_1:mysql extra_hosts: - "somehost:" labels: com.example.description: "Accounting webapp" com.example.department: "Finance" redis: labels: - "com.example.description=Accounting webapp" - "com.example.department=Finance" extends: file: ../redis.yml service: redisbase expose: ports: - "6379:6379" - "" log_driver: "syslog" log_opt: syslog-address: "tcp://" net: "bridge" rabbitmq: build: images/rabbitmq ports: - "15672:15672" volumes_from: - sources command: /start.sh env_file: - ./env_files/rabbit.env mail: build: images/mail hostname: mail domainname: application.host expose: - 25 - 143 ports: - "25:25" - "143:143" volumes: - ./images/mail/spamassassin:/tmp/spamassassin/ - ./images/mail/postfix:/tmp/postfix/ - ./images/mail/mail:/tmp/mail/ mysql: build: images/mysql ports: - 3602 

project B
 $ cat ./proj_b/docker-compose.yml sources: build: images/sources volumes: - .:/var/application.host application: build: images/java dockerfile: application.yml dns: - - hostname: application.host working_dir: /var/application.host cgroup_parent: m-executor-abcd links: - redis:redis - rabbitmq - mail volumes_from: - sources command: "/start.sh" env_file: - ./env_files/application.env - ./env_files/rabbit.env environment: - VARIABLE: value ports: - "80:80" #http - "1098:1098" #jmx external_links: - redis_1 - project_db_1:mysql extra_hosts: - "somehost:" labels: com.example.description: "Accounting webapp" com.example.department: "Finance" redis: labels: - "com.example.description=Accounting webapp" - "com.example.department=Finance" extends: file: ../redis.yml service: redisbase expose: ports: - "6379:6379" - "" log_driver: "syslog" log_opt: syslog-address: "tcp://" net: "bridge" rabbitmq: build: images/rabbitmq ports: - "15672:15672" volumes_from: - sources command: /start.sh env_file: - ./env_files/rabbit.env mail: build: images/mail hostname: mail domainname: application.host expose: - 25 - 143 ports: - "25:25" - "143:143" volumes: - ./images/mail/spamassassin:/tmp/spamassassin/ - ./images/mail/postfix:/tmp/postfix/ - ./images/mail/mail:/tmp/mail/ 

The basic task is to merge two environments into one using only one rabbitmq service. In addition, you must create a new service pgsql and connect it to the first project (replacing mysql)
The configuration for merging files must be in the file ./docker-compose-mixer.yml (the option -i, --input-file can specify a different name for the file)
 $ cat ./docker-compose-mixer.yml includes: proja: ../proj_a/docker-compose.yml projb: ./proj_b/docker-compose.yml ignores: - projbrabbitmq overrides: projbapplication: links: - projaredis:redis - projarabbitmq:rabbitmq - projamail:mail projaapplication: links: - projaredis:redis - projarabbitmq:rabbitmq - projamail:mail - pgsql:db environment: - DB_DRIVER: pgsql - DB_PORT: 5432 master_services: pgsql: image: pgsql:latest expose: - 5432 ports: 5432:5432 


The ` dc-mixer -v command runs the preprocessor in verbal mode and saves the result to a file. Startup options help control behavior.
Startup options
 $ dc-mixer --help Compile docker-compose from several docker-compose.yml files Usage: dc-mixer [options] Options: -h, --help Print help information -i, --input-file Input file (default `docker-compose-mixer.yml` in current directory) -o, --output-file Output file (default `docker-compose.yml` in current directory) -h, --help Print help information -v, --verbose Enable verbose mode For more information read documentation: https://github.com/paunin/docker-compose-mixer 


By default, the result of the file merge will be saved to the file ./docker-compose.yml . (the -o, --output-file option can specify a different name for the file)
Script result
 $ dc-mixer -v -o docker-compose.yml DEBUG:root:Start compiling compose file... DEBUG:root:Input file: /Users/paunin/Sites/dc-mixer.local/examples/example2/proj/docker-compose-mixer.yml; output file: docker-compose.yml DEBUG:root:Mixer config is below: {'overrides': {'projbapplication': {'links': ['projaredis:redis', 'projarabbitmq:rabbitmq', 'projamail:mail']}, 'projaapplication': {'environment': {'DB_DRIVER': 'pgsql', 'DB_PORT': 5432}, 'links': ['projaredis:redis', 'projarabbitmq:rabbitmq', 'projamail:mail', 'pgsql:db']}}, 'master_services': {'pgsql': {'image': 'pgsql:latest', 'expose': [5432], 'ports': '5432:5432'}}, 'ignores': ['projbrabbitmq'], 'includes': {'projb': './proj_b/docker-compose.yml', 'proja': '../proj_a/docker-compose.yml'}} DEBUG:root:Creating scope for file: /Users/paunin/Sites/dc-mixer.local/examples/example2/proj/proj_b/docker-compose.yml and prefix: projb DEBUG:root:Creating scope for file: /Users/paunin/Sites/dc-mixer.local/examples/example2/proj_a/docker-compose.yml and prefix: proja DEBUG:root:Resolving services names DEBUG:root:Resolving services paths with DEBUG:root:Resolving services ports DEBUG:root:Redefined ports: {'projaapplication': {80: 81, 1098: 1099}, 'projaredis': {6370: 6371, 6379: 6380}, 'projamail': {25: 26, 143: 144}} DEBUG:root:Result scope is: {'projasources': {'build': '../proj_a/images/sources', 'volumes': ['./../proj_a:/var/application.host']}, 'projaredis': {'log_opt': {'syslog-address': 'tcp://'}, 'log_driver': 'syslog', 'expose': None, 'labels': ['com.example.description=Accounting webapp', 'com.example.department=Finance'], 'extends': {'service': 'redisbase', 'file': '../redis.yml'}, 'net': 'bridge', 'ports': ['6380:6379', '']}, 'projbmail': {'domainname': 'application.host', 'expose': [25, 143], 'hostname': 'mail', 'build': 'proj_b/images/mail', 'volumes': ['./proj_b/images/mail/spamassassin:/tmp/spamassassin/', './proj_b/images/mail/postfix:/tmp/postfix/', './proj_b/images/mail/mail:/tmp/mail/'], 'ports': ['25:25', '143:143']}, 'projamail': {'domainname': 'application.host', 'expose': [25, 143], 'hostname': 'mail', 'build': '../proj_a/images/mail', 'volumes': ['./../proj_a/images/mail/spamassassin:/tmp/spamassassin/', './../proj_a/images/mail/postfix:/tmp/postfix/', './../proj_a/images/mail/mail:/tmp/mail/'], 'ports': ['26:25', '144:143']}, 'pgsql': {'image': 'pgsql:latest', 'expose': [5432], 'ports': '5432:5432'}, 'projbapplication': {'hostname': 'application.host', 'links': ['projaredis:redis', 'projarabbitmq:rabbitmq', 'projamail:mail'], 'cgroup_parent': 'm-executor-abcd', 'labels': {'com.example.description': 'Accounting webapp', 'com.example.department': 'Finance'}, 'extra_hosts': ['somehost:'], 'environment': [{'VARIABLE': 'value'}], 'working_dir': '/var/application.host', 'command': '/start.sh', 'build': 'proj_b/images/java', 'dns': ['', ''], 'volumes_from': ['projbsources'], 'env_file': ['proj_b/env_files/application.env', 'proj_b/env_files/rabbit.env'], 'dockerfile': 'application.yml', 'ports': ['80:80', '1098:1098'], 'external_links': ['redis_1', 'project_db_1:mysql']}, 'projaapplication': {'hostname': 'application.host', 'links': ['projaredis:redis', 'projarabbitmq:rabbitmq', 'projamail:mail', 'pgsql:db'], 'cgroup_parent': 'm-executor-abcd', 'labels': {'com.example.description': 'Accounting webapp', 'com.example.department': 'Finance'}, 'extra_hosts': ['somehost:'], 'environment': {'DB_DRIVER': 'pgsql', 'DB_PORT': 5432}, 'working_dir': '/var/application.host', 'command': '/start.sh', 'build': '../proj_a/images/java', 'dns': ['', ''], 'volumes_from': ['projasources'], 'env_file': ['../proj_a/env_files/application.env', '../proj_a/env_files/rabbit.env'], 'dockerfile': 'application.yml', 'ports': ['81:80', '1099:1098'], 'external_links': ['redis_1', 'project_db_1:mysql']}, 'projamysql': {'build': '../proj_a/images/mysql', 'ports': []}, 'projarabbitmq': {'volumes_from': ['projasources'], 'env_file': ['../proj_a/env_files/rabbit.env'], 'command': '/start.sh', 'build': '../proj_a/images/rabbitmq', 'ports': ['15672:15672']}, 'projbredis': {'log_opt': {'syslog-address': 'tcp://'}, 'log_driver': 'syslog', 'expose': None, 'labels': ['com.example.description=Accounting webapp', 'com.example.department=Finance'], 'extends': {'service': 'redisbase', 'file': 'redis.yml'}, 'net': 'bridge', 'ports': ['6379:6379', '']}, 'projbsources': {'build': 'proj_b/images/sources', 'volumes': ['./proj_b:/var/application.host']}} DEBUG:root:Save result scope in the file "docker-compose.yml" 

The resulting docker-compose.yml
 pgsql: expose: - 5432 image: "pgsql:latest" ports: "5432:5432" projaapplication: build: ../proj_a/images/java cgroup_parent: m-executor-abcd command: /start.sh dns: - "" - "" dockerfile: application.yml env_file: - ../proj_a/env_files/application.env - ../proj_a/env_files/rabbit.env environment: DB_DRIVER: pgsql DB_PORT: 5432 external_links: - redis_1 - "project_db_1:mysql" extra_hosts: - "somehost:" hostname: application.host labels: com.example.department: Finance com.example.description: "Accounting webapp" links: - "projaredis:redis" - "projarabbitmq:rabbitmq" - "projamail:mail" - "pgsql:db" ports: - "81:80" - "1099:1098" volumes_from: - projasources working_dir: /var/application.host projamail: build: ../proj_a/images/mail domainname: application.host expose: - 25 - 143 hostname: mail ports: - "26:25" - "144:143" volumes: - "./../proj_a/images/mail/spamassassin:/tmp/spamassassin/" - "./../proj_a/images/mail/postfix:/tmp/postfix/" - "./../proj_a/images/mail/mail:/tmp/mail/" projamysql: build: ../proj_a/images/mysql ports: [] projarabbitmq: build: ../proj_a/images/rabbitmq command: /start.sh env_file: - ../proj_a/env_files/rabbit.env ports: - "15672:15672" volumes_from: - projasources projaredis: expose: ~ extends: file: ../redis.yml service: redisbase labels: - "com.example.description=Accounting webapp" - com.example.department=Finance log_driver: syslog log_opt: syslog-address: "tcp://" net: bridge ports: - "6380:6379" - "" projasources: build: ../proj_a/images/sources volumes: - "./../proj_a:/var/application.host" projbapplication: build: proj_b/images/java cgroup_parent: m-executor-abcd command: /start.sh dns: - "" - "" dockerfile: application.yml env_file: - proj_b/env_files/application.env - proj_b/env_files/rabbit.env environment: - VARIABLE: value external_links: - redis_1 - "project_db_1:mysql" extra_hosts: - "somehost:" hostname: application.host labels: com.example.department: Finance com.example.description: "Accounting webapp" links: - "projaredis:redis" - "projarabbitmq:rabbitmq" - "projamail:mail" ports: - "80:80" - "1098:1098" volumes_from: - projbsources working_dir: /var/application.host projbmail: build: proj_b/images/mail domainname: application.host expose: - 25 - 143 hostname: mail ports: - "25:25" - "143:143" volumes: - "./proj_b/images/mail/spamassassin:/tmp/spamassassin/" - "./proj_b/images/mail/postfix:/tmp/postfix/" - "./proj_b/images/mail/mail:/tmp/mail/" projbredis: expose: ~ extends: file: redis.yml service: redisbase labels: - "com.example.description=Accounting webapp" - com.example.department=Finance log_driver: syslog log_opt: syslog-address: "tcp://" net: bridge ports: - "6379:6379" - "" projbsources: build: proj_b/images/sources volumes: - "./proj_b:/var/application.host" 

I would like to draw attention to the debug output section ` DEBUG:root:Redefined ports , which provides information about automatically changed ports.

Sample sources can be found here.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274581/

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