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Potyomkin's nanoderevni

Once I was keen on cyberpunk, so that I myself can easily draw the “near future” from robots, nanobots, solar batteries, etc.

And here I will try to look around me (offline) and imagine this very “near future”. At once I will make a reservation that in ten or fifteen years oil in Russia will start to end (http://www.opec.ru/docs.aspx?id=224&ob_no=87119).

So, let's take an ordinary provincial family with a monthly income of a thousand dollars (to fantasize is to fantasize, the life of poor people at the subsistence minimum is too easy to read ten years ahead).

Mortgage for affordable housing is not a miracle of glass and concrete or "green technologies", it is a simple brick high-rise building, a kilobak per sq. M. Who can, build brick or wooden private houses.

A used Japanese foreign car - in a few years, it is a “used Japanese foreign car”. And then everything depends on Toyota. So all the rubbish in developed countries will travel for a long time along our “roads and directions”. About alternative energy sources do not stutter.

Household appliances in the same vein - budget Chinese consumer goods with well-known trademarks. I do not expect supernanotechnology in every Russian family, maximum - HDTV, etc.

Surely the situation will improve with more accessible things - Internet access, laptops, PCs, cellular, cameras, etc. Fashionable srednyachki, but no complaints. (And in ten years time people will know about “Maki” only from magazines :))

That is, the future is the result of our decisions in the present, such as buying and selling. Obviously, poverty hinders the race for fashion or amenities.

I do not expect a radical change in the appearance of towns and villages in ten years, so I do not believe when they promise me. But the life of state employees "after the pipe" is a more urgent topic of conversation. Or about "fools and roads" ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27456/

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