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Google fixed Android vulnerabilities

Google has released a security update for Android Nexus Security Bulletin - January 2016 , which closes 12 vulnerabilities in this mobile OS. One of the fixed vulnerabilities CVE-2015-6636 ( Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Mediaserver ) is of the Remote Code Execution (RCE) type and allows attackers to remotely execute code with elevated privileges in Android using a malicious multimedia file. An MMS message or a phishing web resource for the browser can be used to deliver this file. Four more critical vulnerabilities are of type Elevation of Privilege (EoP) and allow attackers to raise the privileges of their code in the system to the level of the OS kernel.

The other two vulnerabilities are High type, one of them CVE-2015-6641 in the Bluetooth component allows an attacker to connect wirelessly to the device and access the user's personal information. Another kernel CVE-2015-6642 vulnerability in the kernel allows you to bypass the built-in Android security mechanisms and gain elevated privileges in the system.

The update fixes critical EoP vulnerabilities in MediaTek (misc-sd driver) and Imagination Technologies drivers, as well as in the kernel and Widevine QSEE TrustZone application. Vulnerabilities in all these components allow attackers to gain the highest rights in the system. The remaining vulnerabilities are of type Moderate. This indicates that the attacker will not be able to cause them significant harm to the user's device.

Google also provided Android 6 with a new security feature called Attack Surface Reduction for Nexus Kernels . This update removes from the OS an interprocess communication mechanism called SysV IPC, which, according to Google, is used for its own purposes by malicious applications and does not add essential OS functions. Its support is also incompatible with ensuring the life cycle of other Android applications, as well as the large amount of consumed kernel resources.

be secure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274559/

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