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IBM has released more than 100 business applications with Apple

As part of the partnership, Apple and IBM have released over 100 IBM MobileFirst applications for iOS. These applications are designed primarily to optimize business processes in 14 different industries and 65 different professions. At the same time, the professions are very different - from flight attendants to financial consultants and nurses. There are programs for first responders, as well as for ordinary customers.

As for the industries, there are solutions for the consumer goods market, and for the automotive industry, as well as for the chemical, oil industry and other areas. All released applications use IBM cloud services for Big Data and analytics. According to the developers, these services and applications can optimize the business, make it more efficient, while improving the quality of customer service.

Users who work with applications include companies like Air Canada, AXA, Coca-Cola Amatil, Japan Post and Vodafone The Netherlands. “We consider improving the quality of customer service as a key factor in the development of our insurance and financial advisory business. We want to combine the convenient Apple Genius Bar customer support service and the expertise of our consultants. Thus, our customers will receive not just a good level of service, but one that will exceed their expectations, ”says Nicolas Moreau, CEO of AXA, board member of AXA.
In the future, many applications that are being developed now and will be developed in the future will work with Watson's cognitive tools. This will help companies that work with IBM MobileFirst tools to improve customer interaction and improve their own work.

“We continue to improve our applications, which today are of exceptional value to the business, complementing them with cognitive capabilities. Due to this, the business will be able to extract the most relevant information from the collected analytical findings to improve the decision-making process. The combination of simplicity and ease of use of Apple products with an unrivaled level of security, analytical and cognitive expertise of IBM is the main element of the mobile transformation of business processes, "- said Fred Balboni, head of the partnership unit for IBM and Apple.

Employees of any company using IBM MobileFirst can use applications to share information with colleagues and partners. This applies to all industries, including financial institutions, retailers and health facilities.
Currently, IBM is also developing enterprise applications for the iPad Pro. These programs allow you to take advantage of the performance of the device, its large display and the functionality of iOS9.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274547/

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