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Meet-up “Productive work of a front-end developer under conditions of legacy-code support”: talking about useful tools

The second part of the reports from our meeting of Wrike front-end developers, dedicated to solutions that help maintain a large amount of legacy code in optimal condition. We share videos and presentations of the most interesting speeches about tools and approaches to make the web development process more efficient.

Daniel Gitelson, “Model Driven Architecture in Frontend Development”



Roman Dvornov, Avito “Instruct It”

“There is such a thing as code instrumentation. Few people know about it, although they enjoy the results of its use. In the meantime, instrumentation can help you better understand the code and make the development process more efficient. In the report - examples of code instrumentation and principles of its work.

Maxim Kalachev, Wrike "Organization of asynchronous intercomponent interaction"


The first part of the reports and presentations of the mitap is devoted to the peculiarities of the transition from JavaScript to Dart.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274515/

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