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Meet-up "Productive work of the front-end developer in the conditions of legacy-code support": transition to Dart

Wrike recently hosted a front-end developer meeting. Speakers from IT companies in St. Petersburg and Moscow shared their solutions to help facilitate the work with the old code, which tends to accumulate during the product life cycle, distracting from new business tasks. A separate part of the reports was devoted to the Dart language, as well as the reasons for waiting and directly the process of transition from JavaScript to Dart itself. We share videos and presentations of the most interesting reports. Part 1.

Igor Demyanov, head of frontend-development at Wrike "Why did Wrike switch to Dart?"

Videozapis record

Max Grebenshchikov, Wrike “Dart in legacy js environment: yours among strangers”

Video of the report

Dmitry Vasiliev, Dart-developer "How Dart JS Developers Can Help"

Video of the report


The second part of the reports .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274513/

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