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There are many freelance sites. The principle is the same for everyone. The customer comes, places the project, comes to freelancers and ... well, then everything is clear to everyone.
So here.

And what if you make such a service flip?
A freelancer comes in with his design of an online appliance store, which he painted one evening when he was inspired. Places it. Customers come and make their bets. Who is more smart, offers less, but with the promise of further orders, etc. Those. here customers are already competing in the epistolary genre)
I myself am a freelancer, but on freelance sites I act as a customer and often look through the portfolio of other freelancers. A lot of good work are "dead weight". Some were not accepted, some were made just for the portfolio. Looking at some, I scratch my turnips and think - and I would accept ...
So why not put these works on such a service and, perhaps, someone will like it and, after some “fine-tuning with a file”, revive the project?
The service, I think, will be useful as novice designers who can do work not just for the portfolio, but immediately for sale, as well as for professionals who have a lot of work, as I have already said - are idle (not accepted or maybe , just was inspired and sketched).
Naturally, the service will cover not only the design - in this way you can sell everything - from illustrations to some very useful software development and other ideas.

Plus for the customer - for example, he may immediately like some kind of design and, thus, he will save a lot of time and, if he behaves well, money :).

Yes. There are sites such as, for example, templatemonster.com, which sells templates for sites. And I myself have used these templates for a couple of “quick projects” a couple of times. But this is not the case. Not that idea.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27449/

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