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Java in Android: Change is Coming (Rumors)

On New Year's Eve, many foreign websites broke out with articles announcing Google’s intention to abandon the Java API, which is proprietary to Oracle. On the pages of Habr / Hiktaims, lawsuits between two IT giants have been discussed more than once.

In the end, Google was tired of this state of affairs and they decided to make the next “feint with their ears” - the next version of Android N (7.0) is already being written using the open OpenJDK.

As an indirect evidence, a link to the one commit page https://android.googlesource.com/platform/libcore.git/+/51b1b6997fd3f980076b8081f7f1165ccc2a4008 , dated November 2015, is mentioned, which is dated November 2015, where there is mention of OpenJDK.

The company itself says that such a move will allow the use of new features of Java 8. But independent analysts suggest that Google’s desire to end Oracle’s patent infringement charges played a significant role in this decision.
OpenJDK is open source and free software, and such a move seems logical. At the same time, when discussing this news, foreign commentators point out certain legal problems that still remain. And lawyers from Oracle will not remain without work. Wait and see. So far there have been no official comments from the two companies. Therefore, the news can not be considered fully confirmed.

Some time ago, rumors also circulated that Google was thinking about replacing Java in Android with another programming language. As the successor, they called Go and Dart, and somewhere in the secret basements of the company, the developers allegedly try to port the code. It seems that at the moment such an outcome is unlikely. Their time has not come yet, and maybe it will not come.

Upd: an hour after my article was published on Hiktaimes, a more comprehensive post appeared on this topic - http://geektimes.ru/company/icover/blog/268644/

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274489/

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