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Report on the conference "The Future of Web Design". Hannah Donovan, From Product to Service

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Time: Foggy dank morning April 18, 8:50. Smog.

After yesterday's conference , a walk in the evening London, a morning jog and a light breakfast, the mood is martial.
Location: Kensington Close Hotel, Art. m. Kensington .

Nice girls from Carsonified all patiently explain where to go. It is a pity that at the same time you can only be in one place, because there were choices from which (or whom, if you like):

Morning session, 9.00 - 12.30

Afternoon session, 13.30 - 17.00

Everything is so tasty, but to avoid the fate of a famous donkey, it was necessary to decide. I chose workshops related to business rather than design or development, and at five to nine I was already sitting in front of Hannah, who was wrapping her up in a headscarf.

The main thing you need to know about her: from 2006 to the present day, Hanna works as a creative director at Last.fm. Only then is she Canadian, a bachelor of design and just a pretty girl.


At first we all met. Everyone told where he works and what he does. Among the audience were designers, developers, managers, mostly from Europe. Most of Eastern Europe, including Poland, Austria, Slovakia.

International joke. A Pole sitting next to me pours water for himself and asks me: “Water? “Yes, please.” I say. He fills my glass, I tell him: “Dziekuje.” (Supposedly in Polish) - he (almost without an accent): “Please!”

Despite the popularity of Last.fm , especially in geek circles, there was a listener in the audience who did not know what it was. So we all had to listen to a lecture about what kind of bird it is and what it is eaten with. Along with all the known facts, however, it was interesting to learn about the main categories of users of the service:

But finally let us return to the main topic of the seminar. What is a product and what is a service? What is the difference between them, why make one another, and - most importantly - how?

Reconsidering the economics of the music industry

I'll start from afar. A regular user of Last.fm hardly guesses how this huge machine actually works. It was a shock to learn that the service is based on one brilliant idea, which is the main driving force behind Last.fm. Its essence lies in the fact that the old model of monetization in music is outdated. Indeed, when you buy a disc in a store or even a song in the iTunes store, the artist receives for a certain amount, no matter how many times you have listened to this song or album: 1, 10 or 100. A revolutionary model of Last.fm is that every time you listen to a song, its author gets paid. Not once when buying a disc, but every time you listen. See slide 4.

Service is something that has value to the user.

How does this relate to the workshop theme? The fact is that the main difference between service and product, according to Hannah, is the real usefulness of the first.

Two quotes from slides (10 and 11), “Service is ...”

"... any services or benefits that one party may provide to the other." - Philip Kotler

"... a sequence of actions or events that have value to the end user." - Dan Saffer

Last.fm really solves several important questions concerning all participants in the music market (Slide 6):

And therefore, if you develop any service, it is very important to be able to answer the question, do you really create something that the user needs? (Slides 12, 13.)

Hannah asked: “Without what service (real or virtual) could you live a day?” The messaging systems (Gmail, ICQ, SMS ...) and transport (air, metro ...) won by a large margin. Result : everyone wants to travel and communicate, no one remembered about the good old mail.

How to create a service?

Slide 7: “So why should we pay attention to the design of the service ?” (The translation is not very clear. I mean the design that results in the service.)
Slide 8: “(But after all) you’re probably already doing this!”
Slide 9: “We are the service.”

Exactly, UGC, web-to-oops. People themselves create values ​​for each other, and the creators of services are only intermediaries who provide the necessary environment.

Tools (slides 22-32)

  1. Determination of points of contact

    For Last.fm specifically:
    - the issuance of Google (the design of the headers and description tag)
    - email
    - print advertising and online advertising
    - Last.fm widget on another site
    - opinions of other people (forming opinions about the site)

    These are the main points with which the user or potential user of the service often interacts.
  2. Process maps (I’d rather not translate terms), slide 26.
  3. Blueprints, slide 26.
  4. Experience prototypes, for example [video on Youtube]
  5. Persons, slide 31
  6. Scenarios


Time was running out, so we quickly looked at the rest of the slides (I made 38 laughs), stopping in more detail only on slide 39 and 40, which speak for themselves. 3 hours have passed, without any exaggeration, in one breath. Thank you, Hannah.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27447/

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