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Will we need gasoline in the near future?

Electric car. Soon

Stumbled upon an article on a tape lying.
Knowing their “carelessness” in dealing with foreign news and translations, it was useful to check. Taki yes. The idea is stated correctly. Omitted important numbers on the performance of the installation. In fact, two samples were shown with an output power of 120 watts and 300 watts. It is clear that from 300 watts the car will not go, but it should be borne in mind that these are just samples.
So, in the shown samples with a voltage of 25-30 Volts at a current of 6-7A, a density of about 30mW / cm2 is realized.
The plans of the campaign involves the release of kilovatnogo device for installation in electric vehicles. This device will not directly power the motor of the machine. It is planned to install a second battery, which will be charged during the drive, while the car uses the first battery.
Links to foreign sources are at the end of the article on the tape.

Frankly, this direction of the article in recent years is not uncommon. The scientific world is intensively looking for an opportunity to get the situation with natural energy carriers off the ground. Messages from Makhtor about increasing the capacity of lithium batteries by 20 times (and without any expensive nanotechnology), fuel cells, hydrogen generators, increasing the efficiency of solar batteries - all this allows us to hope that we and we will live in a world where gasoline engines become rare.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27446/

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