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Jii 0.8: Migrations, ReactViews, isomorphous application and other buns

Hello to all residents and guests of Habr and happy new year! :)
In this article I want to talk about what features Jii has entered in 2016, and what awaits him in the new year.

So let's start in order.

Console application

The console application has been updated, now it supports the methods prompt, select, confirm, and the like from the Console helper ( \ yii \ helpers \ BaseConsole ). If the application is initialized through jii-workers ( an article on Habré ), then the console application will start when adding a route as an argument:

jii migrate/create 

Thus, the jii file ( example ) becomes input accurate for both the console application and the web.
The console application has the “console” key; for its configuration, you must pass the configuration object with the console key to the application () method:

 require('jii-workers') .application('console', Jii.mergeConfigs( //    require('./app/config/main'), require('./app/config/server/console') )) .application(Jii.mergeConfigs( //  - require('./app/config/main'), require('./app/config/server/web') )) 

If you omit the arguments, then the web application starts. Run jii help to view the available console commands.


In version 0.8, migrations ported from Yii2 appeared. All the functionality and API is saved, the only thing missing is the tests. If you find a bug, then make a pull request with a fix or create a ticket .

Class loader

Now Jii knows about all its classes in any of the packages ( autogenerated list ), which means that when you connect Jii, you do not need to require (..) to include all the packages, you only need to connect jii:

 // : global.Jii = require('jii'); require('jii-model'); require('jii-ar-sql'); require('jii-httpserver'); require('jii-comet'); //  global.Jii = require('jii'); 

And if you forgot to install any of the packages, in the console you will see a clear error indicating this.

Backbone-style models and collections

In Jii, there were collections and models, whose API is similar and in many respects repeats API Backbone (with API Yii2 models saved). In addition, in the models and collections added events that support nesting. Those. If the model has connections, then you can subscribe to changes in the associated model, even if it is not loaded yet. Similarly, getters and setters have become smarter.
Here is a small list of supported formats for receiving / adding / changing values ​​and subscribing to events:

 Collection formats: coll.add({id: ..}) coll.push({id: ..}, {id: ..}) coll.add([{id: ..}]) coll.set({id: ..}) coll.set('[0].name', '..') coll.at(-1).get('name') coll.on('add remove change', function (){}) coll.on('change:title', function (){}) coll.on('change:user.name', function (){}) Model formats: model.set('name', '..') model.set('foo.bar', '..') model.set('foo[0].bar', '..') model.get('foo.bar.zz.rr[0].qwe') model.get('foo[0].bar') model.on('change', function (){}) model.on('change:foo', function (){}) model.on('change:foo.bar.qwe', function (){}) model.on('change:foo.bar[0].qwe', function (){}) 

Unfortunately, there is no documentation yet, but you can see the tests of collections and models .


Initially, I planned not to make hard bindings to views, I wanted any client or server library responsible for the letter “V” from “MVC” to work with Jii without complicated tambourine tricks. As it became clear later, it is very difficult to combine large frameworks such as angularjs, sencha because of the presence of their models in them.
We began the search for views for Jii: they had to be up-to-date, with data bindings that were not tied to the structure of the application, preferably isomorphic. Reactive Facebook views fit perfectly into these criteria, so an alternative has been added to the underscore templates - ReactJS.

Isomorphic application

ReactJS was originally created to be isomorphic, controllers in Jii were isomorphic and earlier, models and collections were pumped. Also, there are such components as Neat, ContextProfiles, RemoteConnection, etc., which allow you to make the code isomorphic. All this is still in alpha, so many examples, tests, stability and documentation are not available right now. But there is a boilerplate showing the capabilities of the new features.

Client-server Binding

Bindigs are implemented through the NeatComet library, which was developed by a colleague from our company ( ExtPoint ). It is already used in some projects, but is not yet ready for mass publishing. In the case of Jii, it doesn't matter, because Jii has its own API on top of NeatComet.


All of the above and other features will be developed in the 2016th year. There are many plans, there are more ideas, but as usual there is little time.
Let me remind you, Jii is an open source project, so I will be very happy if someone joins its development. Write to affka@affka.ru and look in the development section.

Framework Site - jiiframework.ru
GitHub - github.com/jiisoft

Like the idea of ​​the framework? Put a star on the githaba !

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274419/

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