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Why in Russia there is no iPhone 3G

An article appeared in the Moscow Times newspaper today, telling why Apple has (so far) not reached an agreement with Russian mobile operators.

The Moscow Times says that two operators from the “big three”, Megafon and MTS negotiated with Apple some time ago, but did not reach an agreement. It was all the fault of Apple’s conditions for operators: operators had to buy back iPhone stock, deduct 10% from the sale of the phone, and also deduct 10% of the expenses of each iPhone user for mobile communications. 10% of the user's expense should have been calculated from the user's tariff plan determined by the contract, but, as you know, in Russia, operators do not work under contracts. And the absence of the iTunes Store is no longer a hindrance, because all the activation should now be done right in the store or in the operator’s office.

In countries in which Apple sold the iPhone 2G, there is a contract system, which, unfortunately, has not taken root in Russia. With the release of the iPhone 3G, Apple abandoned its old policy of working with operators. From now on, operators who have entered into an agreement with Apple should not pay Apple interest every month in exchange for the subsidized price of iPhone 3G, which operators intend to “work out” with more expensive tariff plans. They say that at the moment Beeline is looking for ways to cooperate with Apple: selling iPhone 3G is only “good” for Beeline, since the operator is planning to deploy a 3G network in 20 major cities of Russia within a year.
It is not yet clear how the iPhone 3G will be sold (if it is still to be sold): on a contractual basis, or non-contractual, but with a greatly overpriced price for the device. The contract would be more suitable for the iPhone: the operator would include paid minutes, megabytes of traffic and SMS messages in the tariff plan, providing these services together at a slightly lower price.

via Haywired.ru , Apple’s daily blog on blogs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27434/

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