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Video of the best reports of the JPoint 2015 Java Conference - Part 1


The year is coming to an end, there is a long vacation ahead. For many, holidays are a great opportunity to sit and look around, what is new and interesting is happening now in the professional world of Java.

In April in Moscow we held a large Java conference in Moscow - JPoint 2015. The conference gathered more than a thousand developers on the site, and a few more hundreds watched the conference online. We experimented with the discovery (Dmitry Galkin’s lecture on contemporary art and programming really shocked many) and with new formats (round tables and expert discussions). But the key topic of the conference was and will be reports.
Video recordings of all conference reports are on Youtube . We, as always, collected statistics from the feedback from the participants and calculated the rating of the reports. In this post - a traditional review of the best reports of the conference. I will make a short review of the top ten reports of the conference so that you know a little more about them and see exactly what interests you.
So let's go.

10 place

Sergey Walrus Kuksenko, Oracle - Iron counters on guard for performance
Average rating: 4.28

This report received a special jury prize in the hellish hardcore nomination. The general idea of ​​the report is as follows: Imagine that you have already optimized everything you can in your application - look at the network, OS, JVM, etc. and realized that everything came up against the processor. After that, we reprofiled, it became faster to work, but still the processor is 100% loaded. What to do?

It turns out that inside the processor there are different event counters. This mechanism is called Hardware Performance Counters . The architecture of modern processors is very complex, they can occur a lot of different things. The trick is that we can include some counters inside the processor that will count the number of events that have occurred. That is, some iron profiler inside the processor.

What kind of events can this processor profiler count? Yes, almost any. In modern Intel processors, according to Sergey, there are about a thousand of them. If you want to understand which events need to be watched in the first place, where to dig at all and what difficulties arise with it - be sure to look at this report.

This year Sergey will fly to Moscow again - the truth is not from St. Petersburg, but from California. He will decide on the topic in January. Most likely this will again be something about performance optimization.

9th place

Baruch jbaruch Sadogursky, JFrog - How to write asynchronous multithreaded HTTP applications
Average rating: 4.29

In this report, Baruch outlined some of the experience that he and the guys from JFrog had accumulated in the process of writing their systems. Speaking in technical terms, they write servers, one of the main tasks of which is to quickly distribute binaries. That is, multi-threaded HTTP applications, in Java, asynchronous.

The report was divided into two parts. In the first, Baruch talked about how they chose libraries for asynchronous work with HTTP. What principles makes sense to choose? How to compare the performance of such libraries and does it make sense? Which library to choose in the end ?! In the second part of the report, Baruch explained what is wrong with HTTP 1.1 and how good the upcoming HTTP / 2 is and how it will help us all.

In April, Baruch will come to us at the JPoint again. And also from California. But the main thing is not this, but the fact that Baruch is now determined with the theme of the report and conducts a corresponding vote. Who is going to JPoint - click on this link and help us with the choice of reports.

8th place

Nikita Salnikov-Tarnovsky, Plumbr - Where is my memory, man ?!
Average rating: 4.38

Not a very complex and well-structured report on how to behave if your production starts to fall out with OutOfMemoryError. In the first part of the report, Nikita talks quite a lot about what regions of memory are in Java, why they are needed and how garbage collectors work with them. Then it went about the symptoms of memory leaks, as well as about what is and what is not a leak. In the last part of the report, Nikita makes demos on the MAT (Memory Analyzer Tool) and shows how this tool helps in real life. Nothing too complicated, but very effective in everyday life.

Nikita is not yet sure if he will be able to come to the JPoint this time - at the end of April he already has a vacation. But we still, as they say, overcome. Blackmail, threats, torture - and now he is speaking at the conference! As you understand, this issue is almost resolved.

7th place

Vladimir vladimirsitnikov Sitnikov, NetCracker - Express yourself regularly
Average rating: 4.40

A report on regular expressions and on several moves that can improve the performance of your program well, if you understand that it slows down just at the moment of using regexps. And about the pile of rakes that are laid out in this field.

Regular text parsing, XML parsing, the most common mistakes, analysis of what and where can slow down. Not without the performance tests of various re-regs on combat examples.

At JPoint 2016, Vladimir will talk about what typical problems arise with the performance of various open source solutions that they love to use in modern Java projects - Spring, Postgres JDBC Driver, Wildfly, etc. From a practical point of view, I think it will be very interesting.

6 place

Anton antonkeks Keks, Codeborne - Architecture of Internet Bank without Enterprise
Average rating: 4.43

Anton Keks is primarily known in Russia for his famous criticism of the “bloody Enterpise” ( part 1 , part 2 ). Or rather, the criticism that the majority of developers are dragging various heavy technologies into their new projects, almost without thinking that it is almost always possible to do with something much more lightweight and easy to use.

In this report, Anton talked about what kind of lightweight technologies they use in their development of Internet banks in Codeborne and why they like these technologies more than the conventional stacks in the industry based on Java EE, Spring and other great solutions.

What will please us Anton at JPoint 2016 in April - is still unknown. But we are working on it. In January it will be clear.

Well, a minute of advertising at the end of the post. JPoint 2016 ticket is a good New Year gift to you, your friends and colleagues. We put a lot of effort into our every conference, and therefore I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed.

The registration at JPoint is ending tomorrow. Therefore, do not pull with the purchase.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274307/

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