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HPE service: harsh weekdays and funny stories

Like any work with people, the work of support service specialists, outsourcing, service engineers and HelpDesk is a difficult and responsible task. But in their activities there are funny situations. Especially when working with private clients. After all, real life is always rich in funny, funny and funny humorous stories.

- My server is down!
- And with what mistake?
- No, he fell off the table!
- We just talked to one of your engineers and tore us apart.

As for corporate clients, working with them requires from HPE specialists a special approach, and sometimes extraordinary resourcefulness. And, of course, without a sense of humor is not enough. A couple of real examples below :)

History 1. Oil for the "engine"

Once, an employee of the transport department from Yekaterinburg addressed us with a problem with his computer. They helped him, solved all the problems, deleted all the games from the computer and cleaned the system. But in the process of talking in the tube, this employee often called his computer an old, decrepit engine.

The computer was really quite old, and the transport workers, as we know, change computers quite rarely and, as a rule, last. But since the employee himself was a rather positive and cheerful person, we decided to make contact in an original way: pack and send him a can of oil. What, apparently, was his surprise when he opened the package from the head office, one can only guess. But after that he called and thanked.

History 2. "Synchronizing databases is dangerous for your mental health"

Once we needed to synchronize user bases in AD and 1C. The databases were successfully synchronized, but something went wrong, and we received the following email:

"Colleagues, good afternoon! I had a virtual double - Eugene N. Or I went crazy or turned into ... In the afternoon I am a decent employee - Vitaly M. I really want to believe that it is. And at night ... ha ha ... I turn into Mr. Hyde, or rather Mr. N, and do evil deeds and write letters to people at night. I don't understand what it is. And my subordinates also receive letters from this mystical master. Help - is it a program crash or a global conspiracy of the Americans, or have I reworked it and moved it on my mind?
Although only a week ago I passed the assessment - I hope that I passed.

Sincerely, Vitaly M
Territorial Manager Perm

Or all the same MISTER N ... "

Mr. M, of course, was understood and soon received the answer:

“Dear Vitali,
We assure you that our system administrators are already torturing in the dungeons of the server guilty and your good name will be restored!
Best wishes,
Team HelpDesk »

History 3. Wi-Fi reanimation

As is well known at all major off-site events of business units, Internet access is required. Now almost everyone - laptops or tablets, so Wi-Fi access is necessary everywhere and always. And there were interesting cases in our practice, when Wi-Fi at the hotel - in the whole building or in a separate conference room - was unavailable.

Imagine a situation where training is taking place using data from a remote Web site and suddenly access to it is lost. Training immediately stops, employees are distracted by extraneous conversations, lose the essence of the material. Unfortunately, the coach is not always good at IT, and in such cases, he immediately contacts a technical support specialist, who, as a rule, is not easy to find, especially if you are not in the “home” office.

So it happened at one of the trainings, which took place in a well-known hotel near Moscow. At this event, our specialist was present to provide support, who after a couple of minutes connected the coach’s laptop to the Wi-Fi point created from his smartphone, and the training continued almost without a pause. After the event, our specialist received positive feedback from both the moderator and the manager responsible for the event.

History 4. If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain ...

The second case with the Wi-Fi problem was associated with poor reception in the room where the main work of the HelpDesk specialists was held. And it was connected with solving problems with corporate tablets of the customer’s employees. There was not very much time left before the event, and on each tablet computer it was necessary to download several “heavy” presentations. And so that the event went "perfectly well", the next exit was found.

Our experts on ordinary hotel trolleys for suitcases loaded over 160 tablets and took them to the lobby area, where the signal was much more confident, and continued to work with increased speed. When all the presentations were loaded, the tablet computers were taken back to the room where the staff had to come after them minute to minute.

For the time between the IT room and the lobby, you had to drive through several long corridors and take the elevator. During this transportation, hotel guests and staff were very surprised by the number of devices transported by our specialists and many asked how much the trick!

Story 5. Password Hunt

Before known events, large, major events in Turkey were always pleasant and expected by all employees of the company. Especially when they are held in good hotels and last several days. But when the number of employees participating in them exceeds a couple of thousand, of course, it doesn’t work perfectly, and there are times when, for example, a locked corporate laptop left to a support service for repair without a power-on password can become a real headache for a specialist.

In such cases, of course, we are trying to contact an employee, but this is not always possible and it happened that we had to search for the owner of the laptop in the vast spaces of the hotel or the surrounding territory. Sometimes, it was possible to find him in a local bar, after which he tried unsuccessfully to recall the much-needed password, or carelessly swimming in the pool - then you had to dress appropriately and swim to go for information.

In the evenings, when working sessions are completed, and you can relax a bit, the most difficult time for HelpDesk comes, as it is often at this time that many try to “make friends” with an IT person in an informal setting and get a much needed and desired administrator password.

History 6. Inverted tablet

Not always contact customer support directly related to IT. For example, once one of the clients reported that the information plate in front of the office was set upside down. A support engineer made a request, but to whom should you send a non-core message? After all, any incident must be somehow handled by the service and closed with the classification of “mistreatment” or redirected to someone. A meticulous engineer went to the transport department and was redirected to the head of this department. He said that he could only provide transport for the delivery of equipment from another office, but it was not possible to select the equipment immediately, but only a few days later. The correspondence was delayed for a couple of weeks. Finally, one of the employees working in the office called and said that he had brought a screwdriver from home and had himself moved the tablet. The question was closed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Often problems arise with the classification of equipment, which receives calls to the support service. For example, is the shredder IT equipment? But any refusal in such cases causes a negative reaction. At a minimum, it is worth redirecting users to the appropriate service.

Client interests above all. Therefore, sometimes, in the case of a client's lack of time / resources during project implementation, HPE support staff have to solve problems that are not their own.

Have you encountered similar curious cases? Or would offer the best solutions? And how should HelpDesk be built? Share it!

In conclusion - a bit of serious. Have you ever thought about the confidentiality and security of information stored on the media handed in for repair? One of the important points is that the staff of HPE service departments undergo special training on safe storage and transmission of information, so that leaks are practically excluded, and the recyclable equipment undergoes physical data destruction procedures - the media is completely destroyed. All these procedures are subject to regular audit. Customers can be sure about their data.

And a couple of words about IT outsourcing.

According to HfS, HP is on the second place in the list of the leading IT service providers in the world. Its annual turnover in this segment is estimated at $ 27.6 billion (according to data for 2014, therefore HPE is not allocated), and the market share is 4.3%.

Despite the change of model, the transition to cloud services “as a service” (As-a-Service), traditional IT outsourcing, according to analysts, will continue to evolve. At the same time, considerable attention will be paid to automation, analytics, cognitive computing, and self-learning mechanisms. According to research, only 13% of IT outsourcing users believe that the classic model has become obsolete. However, the trend of transition to As-a-Service is evident. Experts offer eight ideas to help you get “service as a service”.

Eight ideas to go to As-a-Service
Inherited Outsourcing
Economy As-a-Service
Problem solving should start with processes.
1. Architectural thinking
Generating creative solutions by understanding the business context
Comprehensive, often painful changes in technology and processes to achieve a sustainable state
2. Cloud for business
Business services Plag & Play
Fragmented processes require manual intervention, a variety of technologies.
3. Intelligent Automation
Alloy automation, analytics and talent
The staff performs mostly transactional tasks.
4. Proactive Intelligent Functions
Operations focus on data interpretation and idea generation.
Special analysis of unstructured data with a small business context
5. Intellectual data
Applied analytical models of real time, in-depth analysis of big data
Investing in legacy technologies to preserve the functionality of the latter depletes budgets
6. Disposal of inherited solutions
Using platform services makes many investments in technology unnecessary.
Managers are responsible for contacts and level of service.
7. Resource Brokers
Managers are focused on business results.
Pricing model and relationships are based on cost, effort, and labor.
8. Intellect Involvement
Pricing model and relationships are based on expertise, results, and customer engagement.

Why often negotiations lead nowhere?

Despite all the statements by service providers about the new revolutionary opportunities they offer for business models of customers, customers continue to view their services simply as a means of saving costs, as elucidated by survey results.

Answers to the question “What do you, as a customer, really think about the service provider?” Were distributed as follows: “a vital partner, without which it is impossible to close the problems of lack of skills, global reach, basic knowledge and technology” - 28%; “An excellent means of reducing costs and increasing efficiency” - 52%; “Access to cheap labor, other values ​​are insignificant” - 17%; “Total disappointment” - 3%. Previous studies have shown similar results.

It is also interesting that only in one case out of five an outsourcing contract is considered as a “cooperative relationship”.

Answers to the question “How would you describe your relationship with a service provider were distributed as follows:“ cooperation relations - we together develop and implement strategies ”- 21%; „Directives - we tell them what to do - 69%; “Non-functional - communication and execution are generally insufficient” - 10%.

Note: based on horsesforsources.com .

Experts believe that as long as the inherited “customer / performer” model persists, the outsourcing industry will continue to stagnate. What to do?

1. Customers should trust service providers to do more responsible work, for which middle managers should have the appropriate motivation.

2. New opportunities for cooperation opens automation. This mainly concerns labor-intensive tasks. Customers should consider an automation strategy. It will make it possible to extract additional benefits from relationships with partners and will make cooperation more valuable for business.

3. Constructive thinking is the way to achieve mutually beneficial results. It requires mutual motivation and cooperation, closer teamwork. What do you think?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274291/

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