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Free practical course on bash and other good news

Hi, Habr!

We have not written about updates in our educational project Hekslet for a long time, and here it’s New Year's Eve - it's time to share some good news. We've made the popular Bash: Command Line Basics course free ! This is a unique course, because the exercises in it (as elsewhere in Hekslet) are performed in conditions close to combat: you have access to a personal container with root access, in which, among other things, the Bash shell is running.
The course involves navigation, working with the file system, pagers, redirects and streams, history, aliases, and other aspects of working with Bash that any self-respecting programmer should possess.

New courses

In recent months, many new courses have been released. For example, the PHP loop now looks like this:

  1. Basics of programming
  2. Imperative programming
  3. Algorithms
  4. Functional programming
  5. Object oriented programming
  6. Automatic testing
  7. PDO: Work with a database

The first six courses have already been completed, all lessons and exercises are available. The course on the database is completed before the New Year.

Take a look at our catalog of courses , perhaps you will find something else interesting for you.

Cool gift for programmers

Do you know what you can give your friend / programmer friend for the holidays? We have a great idea :) Cool gift - full access to courses on Hekslet ! You can choose any number of months, specify your name (if you want), and pay with a gift card. We will send a gift to the satisfied recipient. It is even cooler than a book, because we have practice, and new courses come out every month.

Programmer's path

We launched the website " Programmer 's Path " in beta mode. His goal is to answer the question “what and in what order to study in order to become a programmer?”

With today's abundance of educational materials, courses and books, the main question that confronts a newcomer is not “where to study?”, But “what and in what order to study?”. There are many opinions about this. Someone advises to start with mathematics, someone advises specific languages ​​and technologies.

We believe that a real programmer should understand how a computer works and have abstract thinking. He should see the problem, not the task. Must be able to analyze and reason at the problem level and above, and not only at the code level.

This site describes in detail the path of the programmer in accordance with our high but fair standards.

Three way descriptions are now available: PHP , Ruby on Rails and Static Frontend . And there is a useful page with " books for all times ." We advise every programmer to read these books.

But for those who do not know where to start immersing in the world of development, we began to write a great introductory article .


We conduct regular free webinars about programming, development and computer science. In each webinar, we reveal a specific topic and communicate with the audience in real time.

You can always find out about the upcoming webinar from social networks (links in the right column, if you read this in the full web interface of the habr) and on a special wiki page . There are also records of all previous webinars. Among other things, we managed to talk about the way a novice programmer, testing and TDD, technical interviews, English, math, tools, productivity, and other interesting things.

Join the next broadcast. This is a great way to meet with teachers and project participants, as well as get an answer to your question.

That's all (actually not)

Life on Heckslet is in full swing, battles on CodeBattle are not stopped, new lessons and courses come out and go, and our chat continues to be a very cool and active party of developers (by the way, the most useful and interesting conversations from the chat are saved in a special archive ).

We have a lot of news constantly, but the post is over and there is no more space :)

We congratulate you on the New Year and wish you a beautiful code in the inheritance, interesting, not boring tasks in projects and wonderful documentation for each API that you have to deal with.

See you in 2016!

PS OMG, 2016, the figure is like a fantastic movie ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274257/

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