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Results of 2015 for Android developers

2015 is over, which means that it’s time to take stock. What is important, useful and interesting for Android developers happened in the past year - read our blog.

The year turned out to be rather saturated not only for ordinary users who received a large line of new devices, a new version of OS - Android Marshmallow and many changes in the design of most popular applications (Material Design continues the attack), but also for Android developers who have felt no less significant Changes in the work environment, libraries, and design patterns.
A library was finally released for almost full-fledged support for the Material Design - Design Support Library guidelines. Developers received new components for implementing FAB, Navigation Drawer, SnackBar, Collapsing Toolbar and other elements. At first there were a large number of bugs, but at the moment the library has already been finalized for widespread use. Were also updated and added support-libraries, a complete list of which you can find here .

Android marshmallow

The new version of the Android operating system brought not only new approaches to the design of the interface, but also made a significant correction in power saving and access rights for applications. The developers were presented with a new version of the SDK (API 23), which, along with innovations, brought many problems:

Google Play Services

With the new update of services to version 8.4, the developers have expanded the possibilities for using the previous modules:

Also, a number of new modules have been added to Google Play Services:

Libraries and frameworks

Retrofit 2
A very important was the update of the most popular library for working with the network - Retrofit - to version 2.0. So far, this version is in beta status, but this does not prevent developers from actively using it. The main changes are: encapsulation of the request in the Call object (allows organizing more flexible work, including canceling the request), splitting the library into components, support for various converters and adapters, and syntactic sugar in the form of new annotations. In more detail - the performance of Jake Warthon on Droidcon.

This year was also marked by a tremendous increase in the popularity of the RxJava framework in Android. This library works closely with Retrofit and other libraries, such as Realm . RxJava has many advantages for fulfilling queries with the possibility of combining, restarting and much more, which makes it convenient, among other things, to use it for work with a network. Today, a lot of resources are devoted to this framework: blogs , habr and much more. Also, many developers diligently rewrite the standard functionality in a reactive style: RxBinding , RxPermissions , RxLoader .

Dagger 2
Also, Dagger 2 was marked by an increase in popularity. Here it is worth mentioning its main differences with Dagger 1:

Documentation and sample bundle Dagger 2 + MVP .

The promised release of this language almost took place, the current version is 1.0 Beta 4. Of course, problems can sometimes arise, including many complaints about the compilation, but JetBrains is actively working on it. And in general, Kotlin is already quite ready for use in combat projects. More here and here .

Established practices

If the previous year became some standardization in terms of interface design, then the current year was filled with attempts to standardize the “guts” of an application — that is, provide patterns that could be used to develop applications in a fairly universal way. Previously, it was difficult to talk about some kind of common architecture of Android applications, but now most companies are already diligently introducing practices and approaches for using well-established development patterns.

This is both the most popular and the most controversial pattern. Popular - because it successfully allows you to separate business logic and interface elements, which in turn provides convenience for testing. Controversial - because absolutely every developer has his own opinion on how to implement this pattern. You can look at some of its implementations here . Also there is a good article on Habré, which tells about a bunch of MVP and RxJava.

Another fashionable pattern that is actively used in WPF. He gained popularity in the Android world thanks to the development of Google - Data Binding. It should be noted that this library is still insufficiently stable (it has beta status). However, Google without a doubt will bring it to mind, so you should study it now .

Android Studio 2.0

The end of the year was marked by another significant event for developers - in November, Android Studio 2.0 became available to everyone in the Preview Channel. Obviously, the presented functionality makes this update the most significant of all:

More detailed information you can find in the developers blog .


In 2015, a lot of decent conferences also took place, such as Google I / O and many Droidcons (of which Droidcon NYC stands out the most).

Google I / O 2015
During Google I / O 2015, the speakers focused on new versions of operating systems and Google services, so the main topics of the conference were: Android M, updated Android Wear, Internet of Things, Google Now, Google Photos, offline services, new tools for developers, updated Google Cardboard. An overview can be viewed on the GT .

Most of the news we have already reviewed separately, but something worth mentioning is:

Droidcon nyc
This conference was marked by a large number of reports devoted specifically to development, and it is not surprising that it enjoys well-deserved popularity. Enough to even watch the program to stay there for a long time. Of course, you need to highlight the reports Simple HTTP with Retrofit 2 , Detect all memory , Fresco: How it saved a day , Kotlin: New Hope in a Java 6 Wasteland and many others.

Android Dev Summit
At this conference, we saw many interesting reports on the most relevant topics, of which the following can be highlighted:

What awaits us in 2016

Undoubtedly, more and more projects will be developed in jet style using RxJava. Also, many companies and developers will try to adhere to such patterns as MVP and MVVM, due to which, in addition, an increase in test coverage is expected, as it becomes more accessible and less expensive (especially considering the latest testing frameworks).
We should expect potential new solutions in working with databases, since existing libraries still have many drawbacks.
We also hope to get closer to the minSdkVersion 19 dream (and maybe 21).
And of course, every year the development for Android is becoming more interesting, so we will believe that 2016 will bring us all more great new ideas and solutions.


First of all, I would like to thank all the active members of the new Android community of developers who helped in writing this article. I would like to thank some of them separately: atetc iamtodor nexus700120

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274223/

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