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Why Habrahabr turned into a tape of corporate blog posts

You can check this statement yourself, the overwhelming majority of recent publications are articles from employees of some firms and basically such articles cover the activities of these firms. There are very few articles from independent authors and often these are the first publications of the authors. Until the second publication live a few.

First of all, I want to say thanks for this to those who even without reading the article runs to put a minus. The second line of honor is occupied by those who drown the article because they saw at least one word that does not fit in with their point of view.
Third on the list, but not least, are the creators of this resource. The ability to put a minus saves from frankly stupid and provocative articles, they will not be an insult to the eyes. But, even worse, these disadvantages kill any desire to express their own opinions, especially if it is controversial.

Publication on Habré is encouraged only by the breadth of coverage of the audience, which melts under negative evaluations.

People, be kinder, restrain yourself when you disagree with the author and more boldly encourage those who try. A detailed article on 3-4 pages requires 4-6 hours of work, and your approval is the only thing that can encourage authors to write something interesting.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274219/

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