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Gizmo Call - call me from the browser

The Gizmo Project (the most likely Skype killer) provides a new feature - “ Gizmo Call ” - calls from the browser.

All you need is a browser, Adobe Flash Player 9 and a small (a bit more megabyte) plugin. Now you can go to gizmocall.com/telephone_number_including_country_country_and_city_or_of_operator get 5 (or 10 if you register) free minutes of conversation a day.
For example, you can hide under the button “call me, baby” a link of the form gizmocall.com/+74957777777 and any visitor of the site can call you.
Calls to toll-free numbers in the states, users of Gizmo and Gtolka are free.

Interestingly, almost all day service lay. Perhaps when you read these lines he will lie again. The sound quality is very good (for Gizmo it is actually better than Skype).
PS By the way, 777-77-77 is the number of the Moscow City Hall :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2742/

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