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Draw together. Portrait of user IE 8 full face

Note: the author generally sits on the Opera, but this is a completely different kind of vice, and now it’s not about him.

Many of us know about the serious illness of the web community - Internet Explorer 8, which survived its own browser, which still cannot go to rest.
Supporting it is not so impossible, but it requires unnecessary effort. What is worse, modern people suffer from the implementation of this support.


Even the statistics among w3schools visitors is not at all null. 0.4% - web developers! - let not the tenth part, but not at the limit of statistical error.

And the global statistics (December 2015) still gives 1.88% .

That is, every fiftieth uses IE 8.

That is, if there are 100 people in your company, then you have such guys (almost) two. How do you like this turn? ..

And this is not counting the Chinese. 8% - how do you figure this ? Almost every tenth.

It's funny, but few people decide to openly admit to using IE 8.
Whoever you ask is all pretty chrome and firestone.

But almost everyone knows the guy whose brother-in-law's brother-in-law is sitting on the eighth explorer and cannot get off of him.

Invisible shackles

You can theorize and hypothesize what hinders the path to happiness.
Someone says that this is an enterprise, which bought itself Windows XP and old computers, and it is expensive to upgrade, and, it would seem, why? .. And it is forbidden to run non-IE by group policies.
Someone says that this is the state apparatus, which will quickly hold a tender and just in six years will buy something. A run non-IE is prohibited by conventional policies.
Someone says that this is an entity sitting on old cars.
There are many theories.

Doesn't he fall?

Falling down.
Only very somehow ... quietly. For a seven-year browser.

And his tail bothers me.

And why is this a pain ?!

About a common position
Here we must understand that the author does not feel hatred and contempt for IE 8, which, for example, is quite common among ... the elite.

Guys! The developers of this browser honestly tried . They removed most of the JS crutches in the appeal to the DOM, gave support for Web-ARIA. But that was six years ago!

Look at the code you wrote six years ago.


They all force you to either write folbacks ...
Or, which is MUCH worse, write completely different solutions.
JS animation instead of CSS animation. Which will be a little bit, but it will slow down for all clients, even on modern browsers. Surprise, requestAnimationFrame IE8 also does not support.
Working differently with arrays and memory.
Do another markup. Not as effective as it could be.

Company position

Our company has several branches of web development.

The first (historically) is for WebForms / MVC controls . Here we have (so far) no choice - IE 8 is supported, people are sitting on it, on these controls are many legacy applications. He will be supported.

There is DevExtreme, a set of modern JS widgets that currently supports IE8. While asking.

There are web elements for important, big elements. For example, a web designer report.
Here we have IE9 +.
There were people, complained ...

Let's draw

I want with your help to take and draw a portrait of those real users who sit on IE 8 and cannot go to higher versions or alternative browsers.
Surely you have such real, not imaginary, and physically familiar people to you?

What keeps them up?
Who bothers them?
If you are doing a project, it’s likely your customers are asking you to support IE8.

What for?
What motivates them?
Tell that!

Let's listen to each other.

And maybe ... maybe we will understand how we will go further?

Icons taken on flatIcon.com
And included in the HTML-page according to technology with cats .

The pages, screenshots from which were used in the article, are on the githaba . Both. :)
You can go to GitHub pages , copy the text to Google.Translate and still find out what the funny Chinese are saying :)

Graphics and widgets made using DevExtreme .

Thanks to everyone who helped and who read!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274193/

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