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This way Ostap Ibrahimovic did not know

Stumbled today on the network.

Monetization of viruses is gaining momentum. The updated Gpcode is a great idea in the virus, quietly encrypts the files of the affected machine using the RSA algorithm, now with a 1024-bit (!) Key.

And after successful encryption offers the owner to buy a key for decryption.
The doc, .txt, .pdf, .xls, .jpg and .png files are in the area of ​​interest of the virus.

Genious idea! Ostap Ibrahimovic did not know of such a way of honest withdrawal of money. In general, the author of Gpcode is the head. I would not put a finger in his mouth.

The spread of the virus is online. Therefore, do not go there, “where you can easily always find women and wine,” as sung in the song.

A source

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27416/

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