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PHP Digest number 76 - the results of 2015, a selection of interesting links + competition from the company JetBrains

Following the tradition, we decided to take stock of the outgoing year and highlight the most significant events in the PHP world, which, fortunately, were many. And of course, a selection with links to fresh materials over the past three weeks.

Under the cut, you will also have a contest with prizes from the JetBrains company.
Happy New Year! Enjoy reading.


Of course, the main event of the outgoing year was the release of a new major version of the PHP 7 interpreter. Among the innovations are long-awaited features such as exceptions instead of fatal errors, tipping of scalars with strict mode, and, of course, performance comparable to HHVM.
The PHP 5.4 support cycle was completed , and the PHP 5.5 branch went into security support mode.
PHP itself has turned 20 years old . On June 8, 1995, Danish programmer Rasmus Lerdorf announced the first release of the Personal Home Page Tools project (PHP Tools), a small set of CGI scripts written in C. For 20 years, from a small craft PHP has grown into a tool that is used by more than 80% of all websites in the world, as well as on 5 of the top 10 sites.


In the outgoing year, the PHP-FIG group adopted the PSR-7 standard : HTTP Message Interface . Due to this, a unified interface to interacting with HTTP appeared in the PHP world. The standard was applied in Guzzle, Symfony and other projects, and also generated a lot of new tools in the form of middleware.
In addition, several drafts of new standards were prepared during the year:

And just recently adopted PSR-6: Caching Interface .


This year's popular PHP framework has been designated with releases 2.7.0 LTS , 2.8 and 3.0 . And the Symfony project itself turned 10 years old.

In 2015, Laravel 5 was released, and Laravel 5.1 LTS - the first release of the framework with long-term support. In addition, the developer presented the microframe Lumen .

The outgoing year can rightly be called the year of releases - the major versions of many veterans of the PHP world saw the light:

Next year we are waiting for other news, but for now, the latest selection of links this year.

News and Releases



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New Year's contest

This year our favorite language is 20 years old. What will happen to PHP in the future? What will PHP be if not in 20, then at least in 5 years?
Leave your predictions in the comments to this post. And the authors of the three best, who have scored the greatest number of advantages, will receive excellent New Year's gifts. JetBrains will award all three winners with annual PhpStorm subscriptions. Results will be announced on January 4 at 19:00 Moscow time.
Let's fantasize what the world of PHP will be in 2020?
Happy New Year to you!

Contest results

So, according to the results of the voting, three winners were determined who will receive personal licenses for PhpStorm from JetBrains .

The first place was shared by andrewnester and kpuzuc .
andrewnester with a forecast:
I hope that by 2020 there will be JIT compilation, named parameters of methods, native multithreading
There will be new frameworks that will be a great example for other languages.
php extensions will be even easier to write; ideally php extensions on php
a strongly typed PHP dialect will appear - PHP ++
the community will grow and be replenished by excellent programmers
PHP haters are finally aware that PHP is completely different, not one that 10 years ago
But in general in the topic of these holivars, PHP - Develop, Do not Talk;)

kpuzuc predicts:
PSR-15 is accepted and all standards become official.
Getting ready for the release of Symfony 5 and PHP8.
Holivary PHP vs Ruby vs Python.
Interviews ask the difference between an abstract class and an interface.

And the third winner was sfedosimov with a forecast from Vanga:
2020 - php covers 90% of all servers on the Internet; Many large companies have moved to version 7; static typing is becoming more common; 8 version in alpha
2025 - php covers 95% of all servers on the Internet; stable release of version 8, it has a full-fledged web server built in that works 20% faster than nginx; The built-in phpsql database is being developed.
2030 - php covers 98.6% of all servers on the Internet; beta phpsql comes out, first benchmarks talk about a 15% gain relative to mysql; Php schools teach computer science lessons from Grade 3; attempts to implement a full operating system on pure php
2035 - php is the absolute leader and full stack tool for raising the web-server; OS written in php 8 is in beta
2100 - php is the most popular programming language; the number of world vacancies about hiring programmers: php over 90%

Many thanks to all the participants, as well as to the company JetBrains for the gifts provided.
Happy New Year! Let everything be better for you in 2016 than even in the most optimistic forecasts!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274153/

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