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The digest of interesting materials from the world of Drupal # 16


We collect useful articles and latest news from the world of Drupal and share with you once a month. Meet the New Year's Eve!


In Russian

  1. Habr deploys Drupal 8: first docker , then Otto, the heir to Vagrant .
  2. How to make a banal $ node-> save () in the eight, see the note Drupal 8: Software creation of Nikita Malyshev's entities .
  3. The same author continues: how to add semantic markup to the eight and not die (this is about JSON-LD).
  4. “ What happened to hook_menu in Drupal 8 ?” - translation of a great lullabot article for Habr.
  5. Blogger Tlito wrote his notes about the eight for beginners who are not familiar with programming or even with Drupal ( 1 , 2 ).
  6. @xandeadx wrote a helper module that allows you to run the entire queue in the background without flying time out - Background Queue.
  7. He also shows with a beautiful example how to use db-query tags in Views: An optional one of two values ​​of an expanded filter with the BETWEEN operator
  8. An overview of how to work with AJAX with code examples.
  9. After AJAX-earned, you can do the styling of the standard loader icon .
  10. To community news. The original owner of the domain drupal.ru published a farewell letter and announced the transfer of the domain from his hands.
  11. On Dru.io, another community site, active sprints on the G-8 translations are taking place. Join now!
  12. St. Petersburg community has published presentations and videos of four reports on Drupal 8.
  13. DrupalCamp Siberia 2015 died down in Novosibirsk. While the official materials are being processed and laid out , you can see a screen from our special issue ( I want to receive this ).

Drupal 8

  1. Commerce 2.0 alpha1 released .
  2. The beta version of the BigPipe module has been released , which aims to speed up the rendering of pages due to the speedy return of static page elements and the background rendering of personalized data.
  3. Accelerating site performance can be achieved using caching with APCu .
  4. We understand what became in hook_page_alter () in the eight .
  5. One of the most prominent developers of Drupal 8 Larry Garfield shares his vision of why he is happy with the release of the eight, but is not completely satisfied, and what the system is still very lacking.
  6. The article “ What's next for core patches after 8.0.0? ” Tells about what awaits us after the release of the eight in terms of release management. I am glad that among the highlighted priorities there is ensuring ease of migration of sites from the seven and the eight.
  7. Create blocks programmatically .
  8. Dynamically generate menu items .
  9. The author of “ Cracking Acquia“ Drupal 8 Foundation [BETA] Certification Exam ”shares his impressions (and useful links!) After passing the beta version of the new Acquia certification exam.
  10. If you encounter errors when working with Drupal 8 on the Nginx server, then pay attention to the Update Your Nginx Config note
    for Drupal 8 with a solution to a number of common problems.
  11. The next training for beginners , now based on the Outlearn platform.
  12. We use the virtual machine DrupalVM with Nginx, Redis, MariaDB and PHP7 to develop websites on Drupal 8 .
  13. A big, thoughtful benchmark about the coolness of PHP 7 from the same author.
  14. In the article “ The state of your custom Drupal 8 projects in 2015 ”, the author calls not to fork incomplete contrib modules for your projects, but rather to inherit the unfinished functionality and expand (correct) it using OOP.
  15. We generate links with classes programmatically or we deduce them in tweig .
  16. The article “ Drupal 8 Queue API - Powerful Manual and Cron Queueing ” is a complete guide to working with queues.
  17. The WebWash blog has something wrong with the design, but this did not prevent the author from writing a detailed blog creation tutorial in six parts of the Build a Blog in Drupal 8 .
  18. The Paragraphs module can already be used on the eight .
  19. This non-technical text from the Deeson studio will be useful in negotiating and “selling” the eight: 24 things about Drupal 8 every CTO should know .
  20. The dull drupal_http_request () was replaced by Guzzle. A couple of examples of working with the new API are shown in the Speak HTTP with Drupal :: httpClient article.

All for the developer

Interesting materials relevant to previous versions of Drupal or not at all tied to the version.

  1. Let's start with the cognitive history of debugging slow pages on the example of the Drupalcon website.
  2. In order not to learn about performance problems from their angry users, it is better to organize load testing. Some ideas on this in the article Tuning Drupal Site Performance with Load Storm and New Relic .
  3. The next step is debugging and optimizing MySQL (joke, you can't figure it out).
  4. But it’s quite realistic to figure out how to write secure SQL queries .
  5. The guys from PeviousNext share experiences (and the Dashboard Connector module) for monitoring a Drupal site. The comments also suggest paying attention to the Monitoring module.
  6. Dries continues to talk about Decoupled Drupal.
  7. Developers from OpenLucius implement this very “Decoupled” in order to increase the productivity of the front.
  8. In the release of the digest must necessarily be a little drash. This time about convenient bash aliases .
  9. Have you heard about the aggregation of fields in the Search API? You can get acquainted with this functionality from the Drupal and Search API note : Unleash the power of aggregated fields .
  10. A detailed example of working with Views: collect table of contents .
  11. A few themes that appealed to InternetDevels.
  12. Front End Experiments: Drupal + Mithril
  13. HTTPS is being used more and more. The program for issuing free certificates LetsEncrypt has already done a lot of noise. In this article, the author installs the LetsEncrypt certificate on his Drupal site.
  14. Another note on SSL certificates: Is Chrome Warning You About Your SSL Certificate?

Business and community

  1. Recently, the Wordpress community announced a partial transition to Node.js. An experienced developer on the drupal and on the node David Herron argues on this topic. In the comments Dries.
  2. A large series of articles on the proper selection of contractors, from Wunderkraut, one of the most successful Drupal studios at the moment.
  3. Wunderkraut company shares tools that the company actively uses in its work.
  4. Finally, CEO Wunderkraut leaves his post and goes in search of new adventures.
  5. Commerce Guys talk about the prospects for the use of B2B technologies in the modern world and warn that with insufficient update speed of business processes, you can lose very quickly.
  6. A Cisco spokesman said that using Drupal and open technology saved the company $ 400 million.
  7. 20 tips to increase the credibility of your sites .
  8. The Drupal Association tries to help everyone, even the homeless .
  9. Effective planning always helps, especially when consulting .
  10. Drupal flashed on the German IT summit'e.
  11. Some Drupal companies help governments not only develop websites, but also organize hackathons .
  12. As you know, developing something blindly, in the expectation that you will definitely find the user, is extremely risky. In this regard, DrupalCons and DrupalCamps are an excellent platform for casting your ideas. The main thing is to organize everything well.
  13. Clickers of all countries, unite! With such a message, the authors of the note “ The API web needs a GUI ”, expressing their dissatisfaction with the increasing lurch towards the pure API, come forward.


  1. Bootstrap
    The basic theme for creating websites based on the Bootstrap Framework .
  2. Panels cache bully
    We activate global caching of all panels on the site at a time.
  3. Views cache bully
    We activate global caching of all views on the site at a time.
  4. CKEditor CodeSnippet
    Insert snippets of many programming languages ​​into your text. Backlit by Highlight.JS .
  5. Deploy
    Module for remote publishing of content on other Drupal sites, the so-called Content Staging. Screencast
  6. Services Token
    Authenticate using tokens when developing services .
  7. CKEditor mentions
    We make links to users of your site, like on Facebook, using @ and typing a couple of characters of their name.
  8. Slack
    We send messages to the Slack communicator.
  9. Better revisions
    We explain the reason for creating a revision not only using a text field, but also indicate the type of change using the drop-down list.
  10. Search API Stanbol
    We retrieve semantics from the text.
  11. Config Pages
    Create configuration pages in the form of a Fieldable Entity with a single possible instance. It can also be useful to create “one-off” pages, so as not to get a whole type of content for this case.
  12. Bricks
    Heir Paragraphs to create pages with a complex structure.
  13. MMS - Multilinguism Made Simple
    The original module for translating your content. Automatically screwed to almost any element of the editing of any text, allowing you to instantly watch, update and delete translations. It is noteworthy that only the Locale kernel module is used.
  14. Session limit
    We limit the number of simultaneous user sessions.
  15. Writer
    A simple topic with a good typography for blogging.
  16. Bear skin
    Multifunctional theme from the profile of Bear
  17. Druplippy
    For those who miss a paper clip from Microsoft Office, there is an opportunity to see an old friend.
  18. Twig extensions
    Expand data processing capabilities in Twig by using Twig Extensions .
  19. Dialog
    Backport of the corresponding module of the eight, which allows you to open the content in an interactive overlay.

That's all for today. In the new year we wish you a career and interesting projects on Drupal 8! :)

Oleg Kot and Katya Marshalkina worked on the issue. Subscribe to our newsletter , listen to our podcasts , send interesting articles and learn new things with us!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274101/

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