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Work with types

After publishing typologies of clients and performers, many commentators reasonably suggested that I should not stop at a simple description of observations, but try to move on to recommendations and tips. Well, I'm ready. Let's try.

One of the fundamental moments of successful activity (almost any) I see is non-contradiction in my nature. If it so happened that you became a producer, then your destiny is to be between the lights. Is always. On the one hand, customers, on the other designers. Or investors from one, and developers from another. Or the angel and the devil - it does not matter. If it so happens that you are between them, try to be equidistant from both sides.

At the same time, it is not necessary to bring everybody to the extreme manifestations of snobbery towards customers and the overbearing arrogance towards designers - in fact, this is already a preponderance in some direction. Try to be equally friendly. This quality will save you from so many problems, believe me.
The second point that I would like to highlight in the work of the producer is to control the essence. Dealing with any project, try to find the most important thing and keep this knowledge. Because it does not matter how much later there will be layers of decisions, opinions and actions, how much time will pass. If you keep the essence, you will be able to bring the project to the goal. If you fail to keep the essence of the project from the encroachments of the parties and circumstances, then a certain amount of spent money and big disappointments will come to the final goal.

Sometimes clients ask me: show me the perfect corporate website. To which I reply: in order to be able to show you the perfect corporate website, I had to meet the ideal customer ... I don’t want to offend anyone with this phrase. Unless there can be ideal sites when each of them is a unique fusion of desires, opinions and opportunities. And the producer must clearly understand this for himself. All sites - alloys of certain ingredients. His task is to blend the ingredients successfully and form a high quality alloy. Well, or at least looked like a good alloy.

One of the regular ingredients in the work of a producer is those who install it. And here all the indicated theses work. These people will be different, and they will cause you different feelings. A lot of frustration. Not even because they are clinical characters, but simply because they are not you, and they all do not quite as you imagined and wanted. But, calm. Learn to coexist with this situation, and then it will open to you from the inside, along with a number of fine-tuning settings, which allow you to somehow manage all of this.

You will find out that the “artist” is unstable, and just learn how to correctly dispense information for him so that he does not fall into a coma. Yes, it will be some illusory world, and it may even seem that you are deceiving someone. Look at it differently - it is the creation of the right conditions for work, nothing more. If the mock-up of the “artist” was torn to pieces at the presentation, calmly return on the return that “the client took time out, the work made a strong impression”, and give him a task in another project. Carried away, he will later end up failing more easily.

You will understand that "correct lepyls" do not need to be annoyed. Yes, it infuriates that they realize themselves by 25%, and the rest of the time they either left or drive Kwacha. But after all, the result of their work is of high quality, and often uncontested. So be it so. And in order not to bring everyone to the forced standing over the soul or quarterly wringing of the hands “they have come!”. In other words, without going to extremes, mark the boundaries of the permissible, even if generous. And get the holy right to punish, with full understanding of the punishable. Only one small nuance, try so that a third party (for example, your superiors) does not violate these agreements. And you will consistently receive the fruits of labor.

And "wrong", I can not say anything interesting here. Well, come, now. Wiped, sighed and went on. Of course, the place is remembered for the future, bypass.

With "transformers" everything is more or less clear. For those who are doing interesting things - the only question is how to pass it. And as life teaches, for many people it’s not so fundamentally fulfilling the requirements by 100% as a good thing. I will make a reservation, this judgment is not applicable for all situations, but I personally have enough of such situations. Well, for those who do uninteresting things - drive them to the neck. Let them do it to someone else, the world is big.

“Vroon” is already a matter of your personal choice, principles and attitude. But only.

But to raise the jack "moose" is not necessary. And you yourself, and the moose will not get any pleasure from the process. At the same time, everyone will stay with his, and the result will not be faster, in the future for sure. First, lay a special reserve in time for these characters. In-2, also clearly define the rules of the game: that’s so much, this is still normal, but this is already prohibited overclocking. As a result, the parties are completely satisfied with understanding each other and respond with mutual disposition and sympathy.

"Kettle" is a multifunctional thing. Do not rush to part with it. Well, the person is not able even of all that you so wanted. There is always a lot of such work that is easy to entrust only to beginners and cheerful. For example, I always say that a technical designer is not a profession, but a status. I do not even consider candidates over 24 years old as technical designers. The truth is that the “old kettle” is sad.

Honestly, I have not had a long relationship with the “kukuevtsy”. I somehow always tried to turn off and give way. Now there is a joint project with one large advertising agency, where the “agents” make creative and design, and we throw it all on the CMS platform with a shovel, and the impression is depressing. “Agents” do not understand the specifics of the web at all, do not want to listen to us and use the fact that the client is an amateur. Butting with them to death? It is better to step aside and observe how they horns stick into the wall. Maybe after that they will listen more closely.

And about the "friends" I do not want to talk. Readers immediately identified the topic that “anything can happen”, “but here we are in the neighboring courtyard ...” and, thank God. Because it is difficult to resist. I want to be closer to those who work with you together every day, who share your problems. Because there are always more problems, and success is much easier to share. Must be soul mates. Otherwise, why is it all ..?

In the next issue we cover the question “how” through a prism, as it happens with customers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2741/

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