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Website Designer WebStolitsa.ru

I want to talk about the service Webstolitsa.ru .

Web capital - the designer and hoster of sites in one bottle. What is different from Narod.ru? The fact that Web Capital sites are managed by professional Amiro.CMS , which also exists in the “boxed” version. What is different from UkoZ? The fact that Web Capital sites can be “taken with you” - i.e. After filling the site, you can purchase a boxed “engine” and get your site with the installer for deployment from another host provider. And the general difference is that the second level domain can be “bolted” to the site.

The service consists of two parts - “free” and “rented”.
In the free version, you can create a "personal site" and "company site . " The functionality of a free site: static pages (page management - through the site manager, and the content of these pages is published through the edited editor), as well as modules for building dynamic pages "News", "Guestbook", "Blog (blog)", " File archive "," Forum "," Photo Albums "+ comment management.

The configuration for the free site is:

- 500MB of disk space (with the possibility of expanding up to 2GB - if you really ask for it);
unlimited traffic;
- a free domain name of the third level or your own domain;
- two mailboxes on the specified domain;
- FTP access for downloading large files;
- statistics of site visits;
- backup data.

Free cheese is repulsed by placing fairly unobtrusive ads on the pages of a free site.

The leased part contains the packages “Business card of the company” , “Corporate website” , “Internet showcase” , “Minimarket” , “Business” . The functionality of packages compared to free ones is much richer . On the leased packages you can build anything your heart desires, starting from a corporate information site for a “complex” online store. From the "goodies" of rented sites I will mention the modules "Advertising" (management of advertising sites on the site), the configuration "Portfolio" (can be demanded by creative studios), the configuration "Knowledge Base" (building any directories, encyclopedias, data warehouses). Again, let me remind you that the rented site can be “bought out” by purchasing the appropriate CMS package and getting the CMS and the site in one installer.

"Rented" packages can be used for two weeks (and upon request to the administration - four weeks) for free. An interesting cooperation scheme for site-building studios follows from this if you choose Amiro.CMS as the “external” CMS for the studio. So, we take a prepayment from the client, on the Web Capital service, select the required package and start the site, integrate the design developed through the templates, set up and fill the site with content, show the client working on the third level test domain, take the post payment and then pay for the Web capital. And either we take the customized site with us (for hosting from another provider), or we leave the site for hosting on the Web Capital (by registering a second-level domain). And yet: technical support for the site created on the Web Capital will be carried out by the Web Capital company itself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27407/

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