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A little bit about working with containers

The other day we wrote about what products in this field were presented by VMware, and today we decided to talk about the general impression that experts share regarding container technology.

/ Photo by Bernard Spragg. NZ / PD

Many call container technology the IT revolution. Large players and leaders in the field of virtualization such as VMware could not even afford a hint of lagging market expectations and followed the trend that Docker sets.
At specialized conferences, experts are trying to solve the problem, which is the growing gap between developers who prefer Docker because of its convenience, and IT companies that set their goals and prefer the classic approach.

VMware offers a range of solutions to bridge the gap between the first and second. Of course, this is not so and simply due to the general managerial difficulties that are present in virtually every IT company that is trying to meet trends.

This technology allows containers to be attached to processes, which is different from how virtual machines work, which provide isolation at the hardware level. In the case of containers there is no such possibility.

This requires a completely different approach to application architecture. A good example would be to study our material on how to scale Ruby applications . It provides a brief analysis of the principles of operation of Dyno-containers on Heroku. As a result, we can say that in order to fully work with containers it is required to use new technologies, protocols, gateways and schedulers.

As in the example of scaling, you should understand the overall load of your product or service in order to assess the need for using containers. If you are just starting or working with a service that does not require the introduction of DevOps technology, you can relax.

Containers are not suitable for everyone. If your processes are already optimized and you use relatively fresh tools for working with virtual machines, then you should seriously realize the absence of any need to switch to something like Docker.

In this case, all your work on monitoring, deploying and managing service services will not turn into empty projects that have been wasted time. Only a small part of all this will be used in a container environment.

Anyway, experiments with new technologies have not hurt anyone. Here you have a great opportunity to develop open source projects that will help the entire community and allow you to demonstrate your level of knowledge and experience.

Well, if you think about a smooth transition to containers, you will need new items from VMware, which we described earlier.

PS Other materials about containers and virtualization in the 1cloud blog:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274033/

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