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NetApp announced the purchase of SolidFire

NetApp, inc entered into a purchase agreement for SolidFire , inc for $ 870 million. US cash.

Founded in 2010, SolidFire is the maker of All Flash storage for a new generation of data centers, where simple scaling and management in the form of “set up and forget” provides performance and a collaborative Multy-Tenancy environment.

With SolidFire, NetApp will provide a new offering that will cover each of the three parts of the All Flash storage market:

SolidFire is active in the cloud community and provides integration of storage management with VMware vCenter plug-in, VAAI, SRM, OpenStack driver, CloudStack plug-in, Microsoft VSS provider, PowerShell, VMware SRM / SRA and other cloud solutions.

Over time, SolidFire products will be integrated into the NetApp DataFabric paradigm, providing seamless management of cloud resources as well as flash and disk array resources.

According to Gartner analysis, SolidFire is one of the best, if not the best, manufacturer of All Flash repositories . SolidFire is also one of the fastest growing data storage vendors that provides the ability to expand from 35TB to 3.8PB within a cluster of 4 to 100 nodes with a 10GbE or 8/16 Gb FC connection providing a guaranteed level of QoS service. SolidFire storage systems provide 200,000 to 7.5 million I / O operations (IO / S).

NetApp is known as a company that provides distinctively high-quality technologies, which allows it not as often as competitors to buy third-party products, thus integrating all their solutions more deeply.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274011/

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