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As I understand it, this blog is dedicated to linux. I do not know the reasons for its creation. But knowing why and why people use linux is pretty interesting to me.

I can guess why. First, the curiosity (as in my case) of those who have used other OS all their lives. There may be 2 options, if the system is up, all that is needed is working, then the person is satisfied and uses the system further, but may not work, then the person returns appropriately. The second option may be conscience, dissatisfaction with the use of pirated software. Or a coincidence - at work linux.

Of course, this is not all the reasons why people choose linux a lot. I would like to hear why linux, when you first met this OS, what distribution you use and why. Look like that's it.
Linux - because this OS does everything I need. The first time I set myself 2 years ago, and moreover, as a desktop. After that, I use it. It is worth fedora core 5. Because this is the first thing I tried and it works! And change for something else laziness. True, there were thoughts about gentoo.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/274/

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