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According to Rambler.iOS V

On Tuesday, Rambler.iOS V took place, which we announced earlier on Habré. The experiment with breaking one very large topic into eight interrelated reports was excellent - thanks to this granularity, the speakers were able to focus precisely on their VIPER aspect and prepare really powerful speeches.

For those who are too lazy to read: Playlist performances .
1. Introduction , in which Yegor Tolstoy talks about why Rambler & Co and why VIPER.

2. VIPER a la Rambler - Sergey Krapivensky spoke about what happened to the once simple and slim architecture after it was passed through a blender from our developers. In fact, only good things happened.

3. Kodogeneratsiya and Generamba - Yegor Tolstoy spoke about our suffering, 10 minutes to create a module, secretaries and code generator, developed in Rambler & Co.

4. Transitions between modules - Andrei Zarembo touched a topic that is painful for many to use UIKit in the framework of VIPER, in particular - UIStoryboardSegue for transitions between modules. If you had problems transferring data from one screen to another, connected routers with each other, or used Singleton for this purpose - this performance is for you.

5. Complex modules - Vadim Smal told about how to properly decompose the screen into many sub- modules , their types of communication, advantages and disadvantages. Are view modules in cell modules in a table module in a container module? Yes Easy!

6. We break Massive View Controller - Alexander Sychev showed in his experience that VIPER is suitable not only for writing new applications, but is also an excellent tool for refactoring those controllers who write everything, but are silent about it. Special attention should be paid to the end of the speech - Sasha cited statistics of some of our projects by the number of lines of code, VIPER modules, and compares the results before and after refactoring.

7. VIPER testing - Stas Tsyganov told how the TDD methodology lays down the writing of a new module, showed everyone his IBOutlets and IBActions, described in detail the approaches to testing each of the VIPER elements. In addition to testing directly, the report explains the reasons for some of our decisions, which were presented by other speakers.

8. VIPER and Swift - Valery Popov , the main adept of Swift in our team, spoke about what is changing in the module architecture with the transition to another language. Module structure, DI, testing, organization of transitions - all without a single square bracket.

9. Questions and Answers Section - after viewing eight reports, viewers have a large number of interesting questions. The guys from our team responded to how much it costs to introduce a new developer to a project, how a new approach to architecture affects the accuracy of setting deadlines, talked about aspects of using NSFetchedResultsController at the interaction level - and told many other cool things that were not included in previous presentations.

This conference is not our only contribution to the popularization of VIPER:

Wait for the next Rambler.iOS in the new year!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273949/

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