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Karma Synergetics

Good day. I love Habr! And so I want to share my opinion. About Habré and how it can be done even better. Of course, this is the convert's enthusiasm, but who among us is without sin.
Habr - this is a great furnace of IT information. Here it is collected, sifted, melted, crystallized, and finally, if lucky, formed into a usable product. Habr is head and shoulders above the forums, blogs, etc., web 2.0 that I know of. zamanuhi. The question arises - "Why?". As a resource positioned by the creators, as a “tool for ranking people involved in ranking sites,” has outgrown the scope of the blog service? Here is my answer ... (Without a claim to the truth - just a subjective opinion flavored with beautiful scientific theory.)
But first, a little bit of this theory. Information is not interesting by itself, but in a certain context that makes it “meaningful”. If this context is subjective, then we are dealing with conditional information, if objective - unconditional. These are the postulates of synergetics - the theory of self-organizing systems. From these postulates various "theorems" are derived. Here are some of them.
• Conditional information tends to unify, because while increasing its value and effectiveness.
• An effective method of generating new information includes two stages - chaotic (proper generation) and ordered (reception).
• The purpose of each element of information interaction is the preservation of its conditional information (yes, yes, yes, you heard the new, not the new one, but the preservation and dissemination of its own.) + Unconditional accession to it (but then how lucky).
• In the process of information interaction, information clusters are assembled from disparate elements.
• The value of conditional information can be divided into 2 parts: prognostic (potentially the most correct), and opportunistic (accepted here and now). Most often, these values ​​are antagonistic to each other.
• And, finally, the mercantile postulate. Money is also conditional information, and obey the laws of synergetics.
And here Habr? Habr was created as a self-organizing system and therefore the laws of synergetics are for it. How is it shown?
Anyone can go to Habr and speak out (I certainly simplify) - this is how new information is generated. Chaos rules here. Information is different, very subjective, often not coinciding with the conjuncture. Then it falls into the millstones of the existing information clusters, which tend to bend it under themselves. Further, the information has 2 ways (He said and remembered “If you have already been eaten, do not despair! There are always 2 ways out.”): Either - become part of the information cluster, or - sink into oblivion. This is the process of receiving information.
This mechanism functions with the help of karma - specific conditional information, an analogue of habr-money. Of course, when compared with money, the circulation of karma is very limited, but the comparison is productive. What is bought for karma? - The right to express (impose) their conditional information. And valuable (predictive or opportunistic) information is being sold. The difference between the sale and purchase price is borne by the user. Thus, the optimal ratio between generation and reception of information is maintained. If you compare it with other popular blog services: “In contact” - frozen clusters of like-minded people, “answers of Mayl” - generation of information without attempting to commit - a stream of consciousness.
Now how it is possible to make Habr better. By increasing karma capitalization. Those. the more services and bonuses available for karma, the greater the subjective price of karma and the higher its regulatory role. Only services and bonuses need to be formed not randomly, but so that they contribute to the clustering of information.
For example, it was an unpleasant surprise for me, as far as the super-habr fueled my desire for karma. I propose to consolidate this experiment. Introducing areas of inaccessible, read-only individuals with a certain level of karma will strengthen its role and help clustering.
By analogy with the exchange trading, you can enter the shoulder - the coefficient by which the karma is multiplied by the results of the discussion of the idea. The shoulder is either fixed (amateur, amateur, professional), or set arbitrarily, each user can set himself at the time of the statement. Displayed publicly, it can serve as a measure of the user's subjective assessment of their competence in this matter. For more convenience, you can still set a filter on a specific shoulder.
In general - I expressed the idea. I hope its predictive value will exceed the mismatch of market information present at Habré now, and it will be useful for you.
But in general - Any look beyond the known expands the horizons. Good luck!


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27392/

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