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Great overview of beautiful multi-level menus with codepen

Habr, hello!

There are many good solutions from different specialists at odepen, and I think that the best of them should be collected in one place. Therefore, 2 years ago I began to keep interesting scripts on various topics on my computer.
I used to post them in the cloud group IDE mr product group . Gefest , these were builds of 5-8 solutions. But now I began to accumulate 15-30 scripts in different subjects (buttons, menus, tips, and so on).

Such large sets should be shown to more specialists. Therefore I spread them on Habr. I hope they will be useful to you.

In this review we will look at multi-level menus.

Flat horizontal navigation

Beautiful navigation bar with a smoothly appearing submenu. The code is well structured, using js. Judging by the possibilities used, it works in ie8 +.

Material Nav Header w / Aligned Dropdowns

Adaptive link bar with two-column submenu. Everything is done in css and html. Applied css3 selectors that are not supported in ie8.

Smooth accordion dropdown menu

Stylish vertical menu with smoothly opening elements. Used transition, transform js-code.

Pure CSS Dark Inline Navigation Menu

Dark vertical navigation bar with icons from ionicons. Javascript is used. In ie8, it will most likely work without animation.

Pure CSS3 Mega Dropdown Menu With Animation

Stylish menu with two output formats: horizontal and vertical. Used icons and css3-animation. In ie8, it will definitely look awful, but in other browsers everything is cool.
Link to vertical: http://codepen.io/rizky_k_r/full/sqcAn/
Link to horizontal: http://codepen.io/rizky_k_r/pen/xFjqs

CSS3 Dropdown Menu

Horizontal menu with large items and a drop-down list of links. Clean and minimal code without js.

Simple Pure CSS Dropdown Menu

Simple but stylish horizontal menu. Used font-awesome. Everything works on css and html, without js. In ie8 will work.

Bootstrap 3 mega-dropdown menu

Great solution for online stores. Displays several levels of categories and large images (for example, stock product). It is based on boostrap 3.

Flat navigation

Stylish navigation bar with a smooth submenu. In older browsers will display problems.

3D nested navigation

Horizontal menu with very cool animation without js!

Responsive Mega Menu - Navigation

Horizontal adaptive menu. It looks good, but the mobile version is a little "lame." Used css, html and js.

Pure Css3 Menu

Original menu. With simple and clean code without js. Use for wow effects.

Full CSS3 Dropdown Menu

Colorful drop-down menu with one level of nesting. Icons from font-awesome, html and css are used.

Css3 only dropdown menu

Pretty good horizontal menu with three levels of nesting. Works without js.

Dropdown menus

Minimalistic menu with the original effect of the appearance of a nested list of items. I am glad that this solution is also without javascript.

Pure CSS DropDown Menu

Primitive, but effective solution. Only css and html.

Pull Menu - Menu Interaction Concept

An interesting concept menu for a mobile phone. I have not seen this yet. Used html, css and javascript.

Make Simple Dropdown Menu

Clean and simple code, without js. In ie8 it will work exactly.

Pure CSS dropdown [work for mobile touch screen]

The solution is not bad, but there are too many classes. I am glad that there is no js.

Dropdown menu

Nice vertical menu with minimal javascript code. JQuery is not used!

CSS 3 Dropdown Menu

A horizontal menu with additional signatures can decorate your site well. The code is simple and straightforward. Javascript is not applied.

KVdKQJ (the author thought about the title for a very long time)

A beautiful solution with a lot of code (html, css and js). Invented 3 sub-format. For online stores, the solution is well suited.

CSS3 Menu Dropdowns (special solution)!

Dark horizontal menu with thirteen (13) animation options! Be sure to advise you to read, useful in everyday life.

I hope you enjoyed the build of 23 solutions. If you want to continue to read them, then go below the survey.
All the pleasant work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273907/

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