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Who finances Habra?

Perhaps I will do an ugly act, but I will simply quote the record on Webplanet , and you decide each what and how to think, okay?

And then it dawned on me: Habrakhabr, now heavily advertised, is built precisely on a trick! This is just a forum. Only a small, made snul, but apparently WORTH!
And it immediately became interesting, who is funding this project?

Maybe investors Habra themselves will answer here, at least anonymously? But I really want to know if it would not be more effective to buy some already existing IT forum, what the fuck is. Screw icons to it and any rating data - how to send two bytes. But the audience is already decent, brand izvesny, etc.

Or is it just a matter of the magic power of the word “blog” from which women and investors fall on their backs? :)))


And the fact that now on Habré is happening, is more like not a garden growing, but a high-speed creation of a city lawn. They piled peat with fertilizers, threw genetically-modified grass, walked a couple of times with a lawnmower ... Well, that's it, an even-green spot is ready. For a good view from a passing car, aha.

Then of course it will be funnier. Because already went swift weed. I suppose that in the next couple of months we will see on Habré a funny phenomenon called “lawn mower rage”. I saw this in the States a couple of times :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2739/

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