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Standards symmetric encryption CIS countries in Python

The first weeks of the new year are the best time to sit comfortably at the window, to remember what the past year brought us.
And he brought us two new encryption standards. Russian standard GOST R 34.12-2015 (Grasshopper block cipher). And Ukrainian DSTU 7624: 2014 (Kalina Kalina block code). On cold, winter evenings, one cannot miss such a good reason to swim. Under the cat a brief description of the algorithms and their implementation in Python. And in order for the new ciphers to be more fun, we will dilute their society with the Belarusian STB 34.101.31-2007.

GOST R 34.12-2015

I propose to start with the Russian standard - the block cipher Grasshopper. The length of the input cipher block is 128 bits, the key length is 256 bits.
The following transformations are used in the cipher:

The procedure for encrypting a 128-bit block a is formally described by the expression:
What in a more visual form looks like this:

The 128-bit round keys K 1 , K 2 are obtained by splitting the main 256-bit key in half.
With their help, the following round keys are calculated:

In decryption, the inverse transforms are used:

Python usage example:
if __name__ == '__main__': mtest = list(binascii.unhexlify('1122334455667700ffeeddccbbaa9988')) ktest = list(binascii.unhexlify('8899aabbccddeeff0011223344556677fedcba98765432100123456789abcdef')) gost =gost2015(ktest) print('GOST 34.12-2015') print(datetime.datetime.now()) c = gost.encryption(mtest) d = gost.decryption(c) print(datetime.datetime.now()) 

DSTU 7624: 2014

The Kalina cipher introduced in July 2015 as a Ukrainian standard supports several options for the length of the block and key. Here I will describe the version of the cipher with a block length and a key length of 128 bits.

The internal state of the cipher is a matrix with 8 rows and 2 columns. Before encryption begins, the matrix is ​​filled with plaintext bytes. Then 10 elements of the following transformations are performed on the elements of the matrix.

The encryption process is described by the following expression:

Or in a more visual form:

For the formation of round keys, first, using the master key K, an intermediate key is calculated :
where for cases when the block length is equal to the key length.
Keys for even rounds are generated based on the intermediate key:
where i is the round number, and and 0x01000100010001000100010001000100
The keys for odd rounds are calculated as follows:
where l is the length of the block.

In decryption, the inverse transforms are used:

Python usage example:
 if __name__ == '__main__': key = list(binascii.unhexlify('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f')) pt = list(binascii.unhexlify('101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f')) dstu =dstu2014(key) key2 = list(binascii.unhexlify('0f0e0d0c0b0a09080706050403020100')) ct = list(binascii.unhexlify('1f1e1d1c1b1a19181716151413121110')) dstu2 = dstu2014(key2) print(datetime.datetime.now()) c = dstu.encryption(pt) d = dstu2.decryption(ct) print(datetime.datetime.now()) 

STB 34.101.31-2007

The BelT cipher, having a block length of 128 bits and a key length of 256 bits, was adopted as the standard for symmetric encryption of the Republic of Belarus in 2011. Encryption is performed by 8 rounds of transformations applied to the input block.
The encryption procedure consists of the following steps:

When decrypting, the same operations are applied in the reverse order.

Python usage example:
 if __name__ == '__main__': key = list(binascii.unhexlify('E9DEE72C8F0C0FA62DDB49F46F73964706075316ED247A3739CBA38303A98BF6')) belt1 = belt(key) m = list(binascii.unhexlify('B194BAC80A08F53B366D008E584A5DE4')) key2 = list(binascii.unhexlify('92BD9B1CE5D141015445FBC95E4D0EF2682080AA227D642F2687F93490405511')) belt2 = belt(key2) c = list(binascii.unhexlify('E12BDC1AE28257EC703FCCF095EE8DF1')) print(datetime.datetime.now()) c1 = belt1.encryption(m) d1 = belt2.decryption(c) print(datetime.datetime.now()) 


Implementation of all described algorithms in Python can be found on GitHub .


  1. A more detailed description of the Grasshopper cipher is also given in this article by ru_crypt , from which I borrowed a few illustrations.
  2. The text of the standard GOST R 34.12-2015 can be found here .
  3. Description Kalin cipher available here .
  4. Standard STB 34.101.31-2007 is here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273895/

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