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Enter into an agreement (action thriller)

I'll tell you a funny story - it happened about six months ago.

The order comes from freelance from a certain company that needs a turnkey website, talked, got TK, voiced the amount and terms. The representative of the customer (as it turned out later - their office administrator) says - come, everything is ok.

The company turned out to be in the Moscow region, the office is large and solid (the whole floor of the building is located on a kind of autocombine), everything is as it should be - beautiful, stylish, in the negotiating expensive “carved” table, everywhere pictures of their products from USA).

When talking already in place, it turns out that they had already worked with several freelancers and firms, and all their results did not suit. The boss said that he was forced to return the prepayment and they returned. I naturally ask you to show results - I see quite good works, quite within the specified price range and even better.

It further turns out that the budget is a third lower than we initially agreed on and they do not want to discuss anything. I don’t know what happened to me then, I never undertake an order if I see such bases at the very first stages ... maybe it was just a pity to spend the time spent on negotiations and a trip to them - I agree, but in order to avoid any fights and “returns” - I decide to make Layout without prepayment and in case of approval already typeset / program and sign the contract.

A few days later, after several changes and corrections, the layout was approved, I came to them again - they announced that the budget had "lost" another 15% "," we are obliged to pay a penalty of 1000r per day overdue if you don’t meet the deadlines "and some other crazy I don’t remember the requirement. I turn around and leave - this admin catches me in the corridor and almost tearfully asks me to get to work “the head of the case, already got, we’re suffering with this site for half a year, please take it off, -15% cancel no other requirements can be - cancel ... "

I'm an idiot? :) I agree ...
It takes 3 weeks - done according to their TZ and wishes “turnkey website” with layout, filling and cms. Until the deadline for the contract remains two weeks. I spread the site to us on a hosting - we show them. Everything suits them, there are no comments, they like both the design and the layout and functionality, in general, they are 100% satisfied. We agree that within three days we are waiting for the rest of the amount from them ... a week passes - nothing. I call.

"We found a company in the USA that does the same for $ 50 - we no longer need your services — return the prepayment." Immediately I recall about "several companies and freelancers with whom we have already worked ..." Hearing this is at least ridiculous, firstly because the design was adopted and approved by the signed act, the site is completely ready and approved in the same way (but so far only in words). About a large, high-quality site for $ 50 - just keep silent. I understand perfectly well that they just throw up what else to throw the price ...

In general, I just ohrenel from such arrogance, otherwise you can not say. I poke their nose in the contract and the relevant paragraphs. I wait a few more days - they call. "Well - no prepayment is required, but we will not give the rest of the payment." I stick my nose into the contract again, prepare a letter with the official notification of the work done and send them a copy by e-mail, saying that if we don’t receive payment, I send the letter by registered letter and go to court. ”I give 3 days.

After 2 days, they transfer the balance amount, sign the act of acceptance of all works. All papers are brought to our doorstep by their courier.

The result - a bunch of spent forces and nerves, even taking into account the fact that we have defended our rights. Do not work with people if you feel the slightest inconsistencies and suspicions of uncleanliness. Be sure to enter into a contract.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27385/

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