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Deep Freeze - “absolute cleanliness of the system”

Deep Freeze - Absolute System Integry

Article is devoted to the program Faronics Corporation, Deep Freeze


Recently, in schools, and not only, in all places where computers are “shared”: Internet clubs, after all, offices, there is the problem of keeping the system settings in their original state, so that after each use nothing changes, not there would be viruses, the machine would not be a member of the bot-net, etc.
In different cases this can be solved in different ways: by creating profiles with limited rights (user, guest, etc.); the use of group policies (the prohibition of writing to certain places, the prohibition of changing settings, etc.), depending on the level of restrictions.

In my case, it was necessary to give the user administrator rights, but so that he could not put some password, change the system settings, remove / put unnecessary and necessary programs, respectively. I decided not to use tricky group policies to ban, but simply to “freeze” the computer. Those. everything in the current session is allowed, the user has full rights, but after rebooting everything returns to the state that was originally set. And so every time. Whatever the user changes, everything is in vain: after the reboot, there will again be a “reference system”.

To perform this task, I chose the program Deep Freeze, which I will discuss in this topic.

How the program works

The principle of the program is simple: during installation, it creates an image of the partition that you need to “freeze” (freeze) and at the next reboot restores the partition in this manner. So the section will not be subject to any threats, neither viruses nor trojans.

Features and Features

The rest is on the official website (in English)

Areas of use


The license for one year of the Standart version with support for one machine costs $ 45. I agree that a little expensive, but who said ...;)
More about buying


There is a good collection of auxiliary materials on the official website of the company, though everything is in English. If you need help installing in Russian, contact me if I can, I will definitely help


The post turned out to be voluminous, and in general, about anything, I just wanted to share how to organize such a simple protection of the system. If we talk about Deep Freeze, then I think this is a pretty good program, easy to use in the Stantard version and quite developed and giving many useful functions in the Enterprise version.


Faronics Corporation has quite a few utilities besides Deep Freeze, which noticeably simplify life for those who have a large computer park at their disposal. About them on the official website

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27383/

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