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qutIM - maybe someone else is looking for his “perfect ICQ”?

When in December I said to myself: “Enough of my Windows!” And climbed onto Ubuntu 7.10, I, as probably many people, began to suffer very much from the lack of a normal ICQ client. No jabber-surrogates did not suit me, do not even ask or kick. Kopete and Pidgin - dismiss. They still have not achieved the functionality of either QIP or configured Miranda. It was a shame.

Well, what to do, of course, I climbed on the forums to cry. And naturally, I was not the only one. Offered a lot: LICQ, SIM. Pidgin, Kopete, centerICQ, climm ... My God, how many of them! And at least one provided a normal list of features!

Then there was QIP under WINE. I will not describe. Now it works better, but WINErc5 is out.
Having tormented, climbed on Pidgin. The following mantra helped: “X-statuses are children's fun, files are sent normally, meta-contacts are driving, HIG is 4Ever.”. I still sit on it, its design curve suits me.

But just yesterday, another client, qutIM, was posted on qt-apps.org (http://www.qt-apps.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=83269). This time, apparently, the creators decided to make a slightly improved QIP'a clone through the interface. And you know, they almost succeeded, despite version 0.1. X-statuses work, files are sent, the interface is not ugly, although it still costs them to work on it, there are no problems with the encoding (!!!).

Written in pure QT4. Ideally picked up the QGTKStyle theme - and is now indistinguishable from any GNOME application.

And although I'm already very used to Pidgin, qutIM is still pleasant. I think the developers are on the right track - in the sense of, the ways of implementing the protocol and user requirements.

PS Kopete 4 - not needed. I do not need. I'm a gnome gadfly. I do not want to pull the KDE4 library. Fundamentally. Not the application to plant a vegetable garden.

Upd. I forgot to say - you need to compile. I have not collected the package myself, and now there is no time, unfortunately. Therefore, in order to simply test, you need to install the -dev QT4 packages and give the command in the terminal: qmake && make.

Upd.2 For those who still do not know about the wonderful QGTKStyle I give the link: labs.trolltech.com/page/Projects/Styles/GtkStyle
Immediately say: Opera QT4 such a thing you can not take. But Skype, qutIM and many other QT4 applications - with a bang.

Upd.3 At the request of: this comment - habrahabr.ru/blog/linux/44533.html#comment917508 - compiled version.

Upd.4 As already noted, the Most Important Update topic is needed. So, the client's offsite has opened: qutim.sourceforge.net

Upd.5 SVN Launched! Cheers, comrades!
svn co qutim.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/qutim/qutim qutim

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27382/

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