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Ru 2.0 pre-seed

Recently, while visiting our beloved Runet by all of us, I came across such an interesting little article on the forum (spelling and punctuation are preserved):

Recently, more and more noobs create satellites to earn money on sap.
Riveting sites in tons, scan books in the name of unique content, reg sell places for articles and articles ...
But let's see the whole process:
- create a website
- we buy and increase indicators,
- we sell stsylki ... and we rivet a new site ...
a vicious circle ... we rivet sites and rewind them to create new sites ...
Well, with a normal satellite, you can have $ 3-5 per day ... but after all, 90% of satov bring on the strength of 1 dollar per day ...
why not create normal websites for people who can make a lot more money?
and the sites will be better and we will earn more ...
* sore a number of govnosaytov, calculated only for sale stsylok *

The number of so-called “govnosaytov” is growing at a frantic pace. There are a huge number of examples - breastmilk.ho.com.ua . Sometimes when searching for the necessary information, you plunge into the stench of the very top of it.
I am sure that everyone would like to move away a bit from this. I would like knowledgeable people to appreciate the idea of ​​creating a new RuNet with the domain zone ru2, where all sites are fully moderated for hackiness (this principle already exists in China for cn domain zones. The truth is that there is moderation for porn). Of course, you need a full human verification of sites. And while you can get a large number of advantages:

- Quality websites for users
- Lack of porn . Thus, it will be possible to entrust the Internet to the younger generation. Now this issue is becoming global in scope.
- No buying domains . Each domain purchased is checked for compliance with the content and its quality in the provision of the user.
—You can relax by visiting this domain zone

I would like to hear your suggestions

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27379/

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