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Adobe Playpanel project closes January 31, 2016


In September 2013, the Adobe Playpanel project was launched. In Playpanel, it was possible to search for full portal games, keep track of gaming sessions (in portal games and on social networking pages), through the context menu on portals, make a quick bookmark on the page to get a quick access from Playpanel and a couple of opportunities.

Playpanel is a separate application and is not included in the browser Flash Player package. Termination of its development will not affect the Flash Player.

From my point of view - Playpanel was a waste of personal time of its authors. On the other hand, for them it was just a “pet project” and on the overwhelming majority of Flash Player users the closure of the Playpanel project will not appear because they didn't even know what it was. One of the main reasons for the closure of the Playpanel project lies precisely in the fact that it has too low a percentage of use among those who have the Flash Player installed.

Additionally, inform the Adobe AIR SDK. Current versions at the time of writing this article 22-12-2015:

- Release version of Adobe AIR SDK from December 8, 2015
- Beta version of Adobe AIR SDK of December 16, 2015

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273741/

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