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Google stops supporting SHA-1 certificates after Mozilla and Microsoft

Not so long ago , Microsoft announced the early completion of support for TLS and SSL certificates, which uses the SHA-1 hashing algorithm. Before this, a similar statement was made by the Mozilla management. Now, Google has decided to do the same, stopping support for SHA-1 until January 1, 2017.

The problem is that in the near future there will be no problems with the selection of collisions for such a hashing algorithm. Computing technology is becoming more powerful, cloud services are developing, and such an operation will no longer be too expensive for an attacker. Now Google has already begun to mark sites with such a certificate as unsafe.

According to experts, expressed in 2012 , attackers will be able to forge the relevant certificates in 2018. There is no guarantee that this will not happen before. Therefore, large telecommunication companies decided to act wisely - to get rid of the problem even before it became a problem.
And in time - newer studies show that the cost of certificate fraud is significantly reduced now. Using cloud services like Amazon EC2, scammers can create fake SHA-1 certificates for relatively little money. In 2017, this will be a real threat. That is why most companies plan to get rid of the support of such certificates until January 1, 2017.

Also, all three companies mentioned will stop supporting the RC4 encryption algorithm in January or February of the following year.

In January 2016, a new version of Chrome (Chrome 48) will show an error for sites with SHA-1 certificates, as shown in the announcement.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273703/

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