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No one has abolished the class society: Marks forever!

My message is a low bow to the Habra-community.

On different occasions, and in different thematic niches I communicate on the Internet. As a rule, these are forums. And in the thematic forums, as you know, the people are more or less permanent. It has long been described how the core of a community is formed, how the “meat” is growing, how free radicals come and go. But with all this, in every community I measure an intellectual degree. And this happens unconsciously. Suddenly I say to myself: “This is a stupid forum!”.

I am not a chauvinist, and not a racist. In the usual sense. But today I confess: I am convinced that society is divided into classes. And not only on the socio-economic (according to Marx). Today we live in an intellectual-class society.
Consciousness is endowed with everything, many can think, and alas, think. I do not know in what scale all this should be measured. So far, very subjective assessments.

What topics clearly show the watershed? Politics, culture, humor. Still, of course, in a professional field, fools quickly crystallize into teams. The most amazing thing is that I realized how I estimate the degree of intelligence. Not by knowledge, but by the degree of their use. Not by conclusions, but by methodological apparatus, the ability to draw logical conclusions. It doesn't matter to me what cake you bake - it matters to me how you make it and from what.

You say: "Here is another discovery!". Probably be right. And I regularly go to Habra to feel for some time among my class. Maybe here there are random vagrants, but in total - my class.

And of course I hope that the class also considers me its.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27370/

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