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Beginning a survey of testers about IE8

As part of a project to develop the 8th version of the Internet Explorer browser, Microsoft began a survey of beta testers.

On January 25, some of them received a notice that a special survey was available on the Microsoft Connect website to clarify some points in developing new features. The questions relate mainly to RSS and "Favorites", here are some of them:

- How often do you get information using RSS?
- Do you use RSS readers other than IE7? (e.g. Google Reader, FeedDemon, Bloglines, etc.)
- Do you often read comments left by other users to articles / blog posts?
- Do you think that “Favorites” can be organized better?
Also, as part of a survey, testers are asked to evaluate some of the features of IE7 and suggest prioritizing the development of new features.

The approximate release date of IE8 is the end of 2008-beginning of 2009.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/2737/

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