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A bit about trends in the field of supercomputers

Today we will touch on the topic of the development of the supercomputer industry, which has reached the level of performance in exaflops . Further simplicity may require a radical revision of design approaches.

/ photo National Nuclear Security Administration CC

This issue was discussed at the SC15 profile conference ( International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis ). Experts said that exceeding the level of one exaflops is a significant achievement, and now there is an opportunity to consolidate success. Here we consider several directions at once as alternatives. For example, quantum and neuromorphic computers.
Interest in supercomputers is also shown by government structures that are interested in new opportunities for the effective analysis of large data sets. Given this demand, developers can count on additional funding for new products.

Experts believe that additional performance may be available thanks to a completely new architectural solutions. The challenge is to shorten the update cycle from 6-8 years to 3-4. It should take into account market conditions, if you look at the situation a little wider. A qualitative leap in the field of supercomputers will pose new challenges in this area, but at this stage this is given too little attention.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273667/

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