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The book "Path programmer"

image Any programmer is, first of all, a person with his own advantages and disadvantages. But at the same time, a programmer is an intellectual, a person who is constantly engaged in solving problems, analyzing requirements, correcting errors, and interacting with colleagues and customers. Finally, a programmer is a person who regularly suffers from serious stress, is forced to keep within tight deadlines and is simply obliged to constantly improve himself.

This book contains comprehensive information about what is required to build a successful career as a programmer, helps IT professionals better understand their profession and colleagues, always remain in demand in the labor market, develop purposefully and effectively, and get true dedication and genuine pleasure from their favorite work. .

opening speech

I (John Sonmez) would like to tell you a fantastic story that inspired me to write this book. I would like to say that when I was meditating in the desert, an eagle flew to me, sat on my shoulder and whispered in my ear: "You have to write a book about soft skills for developers." I would like to say that this book appeared to me in a dream; I woke up because I saw her sketch in the middle of the night and honestly began to record, trying to capture what I saw.
But the truth is that I wrote a book because I felt I should do it. Throughout my development career, I had to travel a lot. Sometimes I chose the right path, sometimes I was wrong. As for the correctness of some paths, I am not sure so far. During travel, almost no one helped me. I did not feel that there was someone who could help me cut the road a little. Someone who can show me how to become the most successful developer not only in terms of writing code, but also in everyday life.

Of course, many people have influenced my life, many have taught me everything related to software development, and other things. I am grateful to them for everything I have achieved in my life. But I have never met a manual in which all this information would be collected, that is, such topics:
‰ - managing your career and making the right decisions;
‰‰ - effective training and maximum productivity, as well as what to do when you feel unmotivated and discouraged;
‰‰ - the basics of finance, physical and psychological health, and how it all affects us.

I wrote this book because I wanted to create such a guide, or at least try to convey as much of my experience as possible, as well as the experience of other successful developers, financial experts, fitness gurus and a motivational speaker, with whom I had the pleasure of communicating and working. I wrote this book because I didn’t want to waste knowledge.

I wrote this book to:

- Simplify your trip a little;
‰‰ - help you become stronger;
‰‰ - and most importantly - to help you stop feeling lonely during your development career.

About this book

There are many good books that will teach you how to write code better, help you master new technology, work in a team or launch your project. You can even find books that talk about how to improve your career or how to answer the questions asked in interviews. But have you ever met a book that would tell you how to become a better developer than you are now?

Have you ever seen a book that would tell not only how to find a good job and earn more money, but also what to do with this money and how to finally quit your job and become an entrepreneur, if you want to? Have you ever met a book that describes the steps to successfully building a reputation in the field of software development and which at the same time would teach you to be stronger physically, psychologically and spiritually?

I also have not seen such a book, so I decided to write about all these things ... and even more.

No matter who you are, this book is written for you. And I do not say that it only concerns you lightly. It tells about everything - about interviewing, about creating a killer resume and a successful blog, about building a personal brand, about ways to increase productivity and overcome recessions, and even about investing in real estate and losing weight. In this book, you will also find a piece dedicated to my own rapid learning technique that I used to create more than 55 online courses in less than two years for the online learning company Plurasight.

Seriously, no matter who you are or at what stage of your career, you will find something for you in this book. It even has a chapter devoted to meeting with a special person - I hope you understand what I mean!

about the author

John Sonmez is the founder of Simple Programmer , where he tirelessly describes his vision for transforming complex problems into simple solutions. He has published over 50 courses on topics such as iOS, Android, .NET, Java, and the development of games designed for online developer training based on the Pluralsight resource. He also maintains Get Up and CODE podcasts, where he discusses fitness for programmers (http://getupandcode.com), and Entreprogrammers, where he and three other developers / entrepreneurs share real-world stories about building their online business .

John is a software development mentor and helps software engineers, programmers, and other technical professionals build a career and live life to the fullest. He gives them strength so that they can achieve their goals, simplifying even the most difficult tasks.

More information about the book can be found on the publisher's website.
Table of contents

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