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Errors in the implementation of pagination on the site

Cross-post: Blog for webmasters
Errors in the construction of pagination site Today I stumbled upon one site (already updated), which seemed to me very inconvenient with the way page paging was implemented.
Scrolling down the content, I habitually clicked on a _cifra_, not knowing that it was not the page number, but the number of products displayed on the page! And I was surprised when I found out that the page numbers are _vertically_, to the left of the content.
This is in my opinion the most obvious example of how NOT to do paginated navigation.
Let's see ...

1: No need to reinvent the wheel

I am sure that 99% of Internet users are accustomed to seeing page navigation in a horizontal layout. Firstly, it will be appropriate when there are many pages and you can designate the transition to the next / previous page with < and > , and the transition to the beginning or end of the " and " . Everything is logical and simple. In the case of this vertical implementation, this scheme will not work and will have to use new characters, which again will affect the perception of their users.

2: Everything has its place

Having placed the navigation in the upper left part of the content, the developers immediately burdened the users with having to perform an extra action - after scrolling down the page, you will have to return to the top again to switch to a new page. Not everyone will have such a desire, and to find the numbers from the first time fail. And all because they are in an unusual place.

3: "Gray mouse and gray in Africa"

Well, let's say we still wanted to navigate above. But let's somehow show users that it is HERE, and not where we used to look for it. In this case, the navigation had to be highlighted more clearly, so that when searching for navigation, the gaze would immediately fall to the right place on the page. It was enough to make the background brighter and the font larger.

4: Every word should have meaning

The caption “Show on page by: 12 24 36” is incorrect. "In Russian" it should sound something like this: "The number of products per page: 12 24 36". And the question “what for?” Will not arise. Numeric values ​​are more convenient to even implement using a drop-down list, rather than a reference listing.

5: Repetition - the mother of learning

If you need to scroll down to go to the navigation element, you should duplicate this element and from the top - the user will be very grateful to you.

Honestly, on this site I can write a lot about “non-usability”. Yes, that's just not what I need, but to them. Therefore, we dwell on the data of 5 points and do not repeat such errors. Remember that each of your users is your potential customer, so any mistake will deprive you of such a customer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27361/

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