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Results of 2015: mobile solutions market

What has brought the outgoing year to the field of mobile solutions? Experts from Sberbank Technologies, Acronis, CROC and Softline are responding.

Key events and trends

The appearance of Apple’s 3D Touch technology and the release of Microsoft’s Windows 10 Mobile are particularly noteworthy.

Dmitry Sokolov, Chief Engineer of Sberbank Technologies:

The most notable thing that happened in the mobile development is Material Design from Google . This, as they say, is an epic of wines. Everyone was crazy: the development plans urgently included a software redesign (even to the detriment of functionality), iPhone sketches disappeared from the designer monitors (previously, it seemed, there were nails stuck in there), and the users themselves were users! - began to put bad grades for "immateriality." I think in Google at the end of this year, they will issue very generous prizes to all those involved. This is cool, I can not even remember such an unequivocally positive reaction to anything lately. Material is always, material is everywhere, individual elements make their way even on iOS!

But from the inside, Google did not make a revolution: for many years they promise to establish a stable and universal Android update, and at the end of 2015 they boast (brag, Karl!) With a huge share of Marshmallow in as much as half a percent. And the most common - attention! - before last and posture - before last version of the system. And that guys, no less epic failure.

More from the interesting: Apple released Watch , and thus paid attention to long-existing smart watches, companion devices for phones. Once again, everyone went crazy and rushed to draw “watch” applications, but this time the attempts were fruitless: Watch and Wear are already self-contained devices out of the box.

But in any case, the trend remains the same: in the vision of the future, the phone no longer closes itself . Yes, it will be the central device (due to the relative power in combination with an unambiguous personality), but more and more often it has to connect to other devices and “delegate authority”. And it’s not just about clocks and remote screens, but also about peer-to-peer networks with the same phones, and without any “Bluetooth mates” and other hand manipulations. Just two devices themselves see each other and agree on everything themselves. So far this function is implemented extremely rarely, but the key word is “bye”: we have already been given all the tools and the direction of development has been shown. We wait. And if in the near future there will not be another masthead-tantrum (as was the case with Material and Watch), then I would be very surprised.

But this will give us another Internet, only “from below”, as if bypassing the wires and other existing channels. How many things you can expect - even scary to imagine. Everything rests on the battery, but ... not for nothing that all the latest versions of mobile operating systems are hard to optimize power consumption. It seems that the goal is not a phone that lives for weeks. The goal is a phone that can live all the same day, but keep dozens of communication channels by all available means. It may, of course, be a game of my fantasy, too turbulently ... but if there is at least a tenth of the truth here, then I could not expect such a turn.

And the “war of platforms” in the outgoing year finally ceased to be at least a little bit of a real confrontation. Could you imagine Apple Music on Google Play a year ago? Here, and me too. And this is only one small episode: it seems that global “diffusion” is inevitable.

Anton Guglya, Acronis Product Manager:

Mobile phone is increasingly becoming a computer and monitor for virtual reality systems . The user no longer wants to just sit in front of the computer wearing glasses of virtual reality. He needs to move in space. In the consumer market, Gear VR on Samsung's Oculus technology is a great example of a new approach to virtual reality, but you can find more low-cost counterparts. Although most of today's mobile VR products are in the entertainment industry, Mobile VR technology is already coming into business.

Very pleased with the operating system Windows 10 Mobile from Microsoft. Significantly improved interface, coupled with the new interaction paradigm of Continuum, which allows to use the phone as a computer. If the next Gartner predictions about the growth of Windows 10 use by the corporate sector are justified, then the use of Windows 10 Mobile may potentially increase. Since Acronis works not only in the field of B2C, but also in the field of B2B, in the future we plan to pay attention to Windows 10 Mobile along with iOS and Android. Already, the mobile version of Acronis True Image under Windows 10 Mobile, which we plan to release in 2016, is under active development.

Separately, I want to say about the new Apple smartphones with 3D Touch technology - finally, the display of a mobile phone is able to distinguish the pressing force. Of course, it is a little insulting that at the moment the screens of our smartphones and tablets remain as cold, smooth and soulless, despite the fact that touch is one of our most important feelings. Like last year, in the new 2016 I will look forward to the results of various experiments and consumer products with haptic technologies.

As for forecasts, I think that the “Data-driven” approach, which is actively used now, will give way to “ Data informed ”. To date, the market a huge number of constantly developing excellent services for the collection and analysis of melon. To measure the parameters of their mobile products and businesses built on them, people have learned a long time ago. But almost all measurements show only the past and the present. You can not fully rely only on these numbers and make a decision, guided only by them, do not forget about intuition and experience.

The most popular solutions

Maxim Andrianov, Head of Softline Solutions Sales:

We see a trend in the development of personal accounts and front-end solutions primarily for the B2C segment.

How are things on the Russian market?

The market was influenced by the general trend towards import substitution. From the main events: the beginning of the development of the Russian mobile OS is announced, full-fledged domestic MEAP platforms have already appeared. One of the significant trends is a jump in interest in business mobilization.

Konstantin Astakhov, Head of Mobile and Portal Solutions, CROC:

First of all, it is worth noting that the Russian mobile device market this year was very volatile. Moreover, while it shows a rather negative trend. For example, in the first half of 2015, the volume of the market for mobile phones and smartphones was almost 25% less than in 2014 (according to the DISCOVERY Research Group). It is probably too early to say that the market is finally saturated, but the first wave of saturation is close to completion. Will the second wave show the development of the IT market and the Russian economy as a whole.

Another interesting change is that Samsung has announced the entry of b2b into the Russian market with a new device based on its own operating system Tizen. This is a closed device that does not connect to external app stores, applications can be installed on it only through corporate mobile device management tools. The product has already been certified by FSTEC and can be used in the corporate sector for secure mobile work. True at the moment applications for Tizen are only being developed. There is reason to believe that next year solutions based on this product have good prospects for finding a niche in the corporate market, given the opportunity to meet the increased requirements for information security, as well as Samsung's developments in the field of ensuring the impact resistance of mobile devices.

In addition, we can note the appearance on the market of full-fledged Russian MEAP-platforms from 1C and GC CDC companies . In particular, CROC has entered into a partnership with the developer of the CDC group of companies and has already begun to lead some activities in the development and implementation of corporate mobile applications based on the CDC OPTIMUM technology platform.

The general trend towards import substitution has left its mark in the field of mobile operating systems. For example, in the spring the Ministry of Communications announced the start of the development of a national mobile OS . However, to create a mobile operating system for several years and with an eye to the prospects for the development of information technologies by the time of the development is a very difficult task. In addition, if the product is focused on the mass market, then you will need tools to overcome competition with other players, the strongest promotion, the attraction of huge resources and those wishing to develop their mobile services for the new system. Let's see what happens. But I think the practical results are possible not earlier than in 5-7 years.

Finally, as a fairly significant change in the corporate market for mobile solutions, I would note a surge in interest in business mobilization . For the most part, this is due to the large-scale implementation of new IT systems, for the remote interaction with which corporate mobile applications are being developed. For example, this was the case with OAO Severstal, which provided its own clients and managers with the opportunity to work with ERP and CRM systems from mobile devices.

What specialists are not enough now?

Konstantin Astakhov, Head of Mobile and Portal Solutions, CROC:

Of course, in the field of mobile development has its own specifics. But generally speaking, a typical project team must include a project manager (with a certain technical background), an analyst (who must have industry-specific knowledge in order to understand what business processes a customer has and what solutions can be offered for them automation), a developer or a developer (under iOs, Android, html5, etc.), a tester (on which both the reputation of the implementation company and the fact of successful completion of the project), a software engineer, and finally, specialists by design and layout.
But if developers and designers are now on the market in abundance, then analysts , testers (especially with knowledge of the industry specifics of a particular customer segment) and engineers (with a broad outlook and understanding of application integration) are not enough.


The bright player in the market was Apple, which patented 3D Touch technology and released Watch. Pleased Microsoft with Windows 10 Mobile. Since last year, the popularity of Material Design from Google has increased. In the Russian market of mobile solutions, where the weather set the course for import substitution, 1C and GC CDC were noted, launching full-fledged MEAP platforms.


We at GeekBrains have prepared a New Year offer with a full stack of technologies for the effective start of the career of a mobile developer and gifts for the new year. You can get acquainted with it here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273603/

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