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Full URL in the address bar, tabs on the right and other improvements in the assembly Vivaldi 1.0.352.3


Beta - beta, and browser development continues even in these pre-holiday days at the same pace. And today we offer you the next weekly build, including both a lot of fixes and new features that have been long awaited by our users. So let's start in order.

Display Chinese Fonts

Due to numerous requests and bug reports of Chinese workers, we slightly corrected the display of their great and mighty browser Vivaldi. Clearly the difference can be assessed like this:

We now turn to international innovations that will be of interest not only to Chinese workers.

Opening new tabs

We built, built, and finally built - now you can go to Tools-> Settings-> Tabs and specify where to open new tabs - at the end of the list of open tabs or to the right of the current one:


But that's not all, as Baron Karl Friedrich Jerome von Munchausen said in one good film:


The next setting (more precisely, several at once) concerns the address bar.

AutoComplete Settings and Full URL

By opening the Tools-> Settings-> Address bar , you can discover new options. In particular, you can now leave the default order of links for completion (which, by the way, can be turned on and off here), where bookmarks are offered first, and then the history of entered addresses, or disable this rule, thereby pushing bookmarks to the end list of completion of the entered addresses. You can also use the option to enable the display of the full URL in the address bar:


Other interesting things

We also made a number of subtle, but important improvements. In particular, now with standalone installation, relative paths to working directories are used (which may be useful for fans of the portable version), errors in displaying the profile menu on YouTube and search hints on the Yandex page have also been fixed. Another useful innovation is the ability to export bookmarks to an HTML file (to then, for example, import them into a new test assembly).

Well, actually, this is all for now. A complete list of changes can be found at the end of the article. But I need to tell you some more important words.

Installing the weekly build in parallel with the beta version

As you already know, just yesterday we released the second beta version of the Vivaldi browser . It is considered to be more stable than the weekly test builds. Of course, someone can argue with this statement, but in any case, test builds are obviously more frequent than beta versions, so it’s more logical to test them on your computers, firstly, in the finishing mode, and, secondly, separately from beta versions.

There are no problems with this in GNU / Linux - there packages are initially installed separately from each other. But in Windows and Mac separate installation may cause some problems. In order to avoid them, try to observe the following conditions:

Windows - when installing the weekly build, select the standalone mode and specify the installation directory other than beta:


Mac - and the owners of this operating system will have to work a little with pens, following the instructions prepared by our tireless colleague, Ruari Odegard "Vivaldi" Standalone Mode "on Mac" .

We are currently working to make the installation process stable and test versions easier and more convenient, and we hope that in the near future the above instructions will no longer be useful to you.

Now everything is exactly. Download the new assembly can be on the links below:

Full list of changes:

We remind you that the weekly assemblies are test, so do not forget to backup important data. You can report any errors found at the same address .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/273481/

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