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Got Spam? Thank Gary Thuerk.

Who is Gary Touerk?

Gary Twurk is the parent of the Internet plague. The Los Angeles Times called him the father of spam ("Father Of Spam").

In 1978, he sent 400 letters to his potential customers. The mailing was done through the US state network ARPAnet , which was the ancestor of the Internet. Gary worked as a sales manager in the now defunct corporation DEC .

Short excursion

Digital Equipment Corporation ( DEC ) is an American computer company founded in 1957 by Ken Olsen and Harlan Anderson .
The initial capital of the company was $ 100,000, with 70% owned by American Research and Development Corporation . The parent company insisted that the name of the subsidiary did not contain the word “computer” , although the name was originally planned as “ Digital Computer Corporation ”. The same condition was observed in the product name: instead of the term “computer” , the term “Programmable Data Processor” was used , or abbreviated as “PDP” . This condition was due to the fact that in those days there was a stereotype, that the computer is something huge and expensive, requiring a separate machine room and a solid staff. In this way, the company avoided the negative consequences of this stereotype. In 1998, Compaq bought the financially troubled Digital Equipment Corporation . The most well-known DEC products are the PDP minicomputer series, the VAX series, the DEC Alpha microprocessors.
Originally, the word “SPAM” appeared in 1936. It was decoded as SPiced hAM (spicy ham) and was a trademark for canned meat from Hormel Foods , spicy sausage minced pork.
The term SPAM has received worldwide fame for annoying ads due to the famous sketch of the same name from the famous Monty Python Flying Circus show (1969) by the comic group Monty Python . The meaning of the sketch is that in one cafe all the dishes on the menu contain " SPAM ", some even several times. When the main character of the sketch, who came to this cafe with his wife, asks him to bring him a dish without " SPAM ", the waitress offers him a dish with "a small amount of SPAM ". The visitor is indignant, and the choir of the Vikings, who are sitting at the adjacent tables, begins to sing the praise song " SPAM ", after which the sketch plunges into chaos. At the end of the sketch, the hero's wife exclaims: I do not like “SPAM” ! (eng. " I don't like spam! "). In the credits, the word " SPAM " was also added to the names of the characters. In total, this word is mentioned in the sketch more than a hundred times .

In a letter, Gary tried to acquaint users with new technical developments of his company. It also contained an invitation to attend one of the two presentations. The reaction to these advertisements was not long in coming. Even the Communications Department of the US Department of Defense , which was in charge of the ARPAnet network, intervened . It forbade him to repeat this marketing ploy. Despite the ban, TĂĽrk believed that the idea was great, in it he saw the possibility of cheaply informing a huge number of people by those standards (in principle, by today's standards you know yourself, and if not, ask Google).
Gary is proud that he became the first spammer (it seems that he even got into the Guinness Book of Records!), He puts himself on a par with such types as the Wright brothers (who built just an airplane, you will think too, so SPAM is yes :). In an interview, Gary says that he has no regrets about his creation. The surrounding people do not try to kill him at the meeting and even ask for autographs. In short, the uncle is terribly pleased ( I don't like writing something from Anglitsky, especially at 4 nights ).

Here is a part of that interview (the translation immediately speak very, very “literary”, but I think it’s understandable :)

Interview Source
PS If anyone is interested, here is the text of the letter, the addresses of the recipients and some texts of the answers (in English, of course)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/27347/

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